

1、predator prey interaction『3words』

2、Grief is a relentless predator.『5words』

3、Prey-predator model for resource protection『5words』

4、Lion is a predator in the nature.『7words』

5、Permanence for three predator-prey systems with delay;『7words』

6、Study on a predator-prey system with stage-structure for predator『9words』

7、Hopf bifurcation for a predator-prey system with two delays;『9words』

8、In an ecological system, predator-prey model is well studied.『9words』

9、Often, an attacker or predator just wants your money.『9words』

10、Eels that survive DAMS may not survive Earth's top predator.『10words』



11、Ironically, the Federal government is the chief founder of predator-control programs.『11words』

12、Analysis of an Prey-predator Model with Diseases in the Prey and Predator『12words』

13、Abstract: in this paper, a 2-dimension, nonlinear birth-death prey-predator model is established.『12words』

14、For the most part, the only predator of birds of prey is mankind.『13words』

15、The qualitative analysis of predator-prey system of Holling Ⅱ functional response with harvesting rate『14words』

16、When a predator approaches, they do their best to attract the attention of that predator.『15words』

17、The predator-prey model whose predator's density interference term's coefficient is related with prey is investigated.『15words』

18、In this study, the researchers looked at the high-pitched barks a prairie dog makes when it spots predator.『18words』

19、For today, let's look at a reptile, a predator that hasn't evolved much in the last seventy million years.『19words』

20、Opossums playing dead actually slip into a semi-comatose state, thus removing any excitement of the kill for a predator.『19words』



21、Therefore, from the stand point of diversity, it is usually a mistake to eliminate a major predator from a community.『20words』

22、You know, like nouns, to name the type of predator they spotted, adjectives to describe its size and shape, verbs.『20words』

23、In this paper, the method of Hidden Periodic Model was used to study the parameters estimation in two species predator-prey model.『21words』

24、We obtain the following main results. 1. A strengthen type predator-prey model of predator with disease and standard incidence is formulated and analyzed.『23words』

25、Parasitism is a kind of predator-prey relationship in which one organism, the parasite, derives its food at the expense of its symbiotic associate, the host.『25words』

26、He found that strongty-lateralised individuals were able to feed twice as fast as wealdy-lateralised ones when there was a threat of a predator looming above them.『26words』

27、Now let's focus on a specific example of a natural predator that can cause a lot of damage to coral reefs—the Crown of Thorns, or CoT starfish.『27words』

28、To prove it, the researchers designed a computer model of how cicadas interact with their predators. In the simulation, predator and prey follow randomly assigned life-cycle durations.『27words』

29、A natural predator indigenous to India, Neodumetia sangawani, was found useful in controlling the Rhodes grass-scale insect that was devouring forage grass in many parts of the US.『28words』

30、In the second part, a predator-prey model of ordinary differential with one-way diffusion is studied considering the monsoon, river flows, other natural conditions and living habits as background.『28words』



31、Many birds have an instinct to protect their young when approached by a predator, but they will eventually give up if the predator is too strong or dangerous to deter.『30words』

32、The animal that goes to a favorite food-foraging location and sees signs that a predator was there - but not the predator itself - may be on guard the next time.『31words』

33、Again, deals may be in the executive's self-interest; bigger companies mean bigger salaries and it is much better for the executive if his company is perceived to be predator, not prey.『31words』

34、One study found that when mice were exposed to it, those who were stressed (by the smell of a predator) developed tumors at week 8, compared with week 21 in unstressed mice.『32words』

35、“The idea of a man-made machine chopping a bird in half creates a visceral reaction," he said, "while the idea of a predator with its prey in its mouth - well we've seen that on the Nature Channel."『38words』

