

1、The children are untidy.『4words』

2、The house was unbelievably untidy.『5words』

3、His writing is quite untidy.『5words』

4、I can't work under untidy circumstances.『6words』

5、MRS. JONES: This bedroom's very untidy.『6words』

6、He has always been sloppy and untidy.『7words』

7、MRS. JONES: The bedroom is very untidy.『7words』

8、The child was penalized for her untidy handwriting.『8words』

9、A woman regarded as slovenly or untidy;a slattern.『8words』

10、“Edgelands" is sprawling and untidy, like its subject matter.『9words』



11、He found an untidy jumble of things in the drawer.『10words』

12、The end of the Thirty Years War was an untidy affair.『11words』

13、Your bedroom is very untidy. Please put your things away tidily.『11words』

14、Fage because of emotional injury and the whole person became untidy and untidy.『13words』

15、There was a man, a very untidy man 死了一个男子, 一个没出息的男子, 懒得动手把他埋在坟墓里。 头滚落在床下, 四肢散乱的在房间里『13words』

16、He looked quite untidy; besides, one of the buttons on his coat was missing.『14words』

17、Mrs Li: Ben! Your bedroom is very untidy. Please put your things away tidily.『14words』

18、careless and untidy in her personal habits; an untidy living room; untidy and casual about money.『16words』

19、I cannot stand the sight of a garden not properly cared for: it looks so untidy.『16words』

20、Many people still believe untidy desks belong to slobs, whose disorganization will make them unsatisfactory as colleagues and employees.『19words』



21、Being sloppy and untidy, it's even more perfect for him to keep his rhythm flying all over the sky.『19words』

22、People are already dressed in cool clothes, coupled with their untidy appearance, a large number of white skin leakage, "chaos".『20words』

23、Since his wife left him he has become more and more untidy every day and let his appearance go hang.『20words』

24、Now our problem could be mental, because we are being untidy, as much as I do not like to say that.『21words』

25、On PET/CT images, 19 positive lesions(100%)showed abnormal intense high metabolic region, 6 (31.6%)of them showed heterogeneous density and 5(26.3%)showed untidy margin.『21words』

26、Pine Bloom looked straggly and overgrown with weeds, seedling pines were beginning to show in the fields and the house was sagging and untidy.『24words』

27、People prefer to talk to someone who is presentable, meaning clean and tidy. Stylish doesn"t have to mean unclean and untidy, do you catch my drift?"『26words』

28、As Lawrence James says about the British variety in "The Middle Class: A History", they are "a sprawling, untidy organism in a perpetual state of evolution".『26words』

29、Holly hesitated for a moment. She did not think it was wrong to sleep dressed only in obscene clothes. But she was sitting on embroidery. Was her clothes untidy shameful?『30words』

30、The only criticism I saw was that the rooms were a bit messy and untidy because people just left their clothes and stuff all over the beds and the floor.『30words』



31、Jack, I just don't know how you manage to get yourself so untidy. You look as if somebody's been dragging you backwards through hedges all the way home from school.『30words』

32、If you love a man, please bear in mind that he is just a man. You can enjoy his care and love with pleasure, and you will have to bear his untidy appearance.『33words』

33、For Western food, do not cram food down the throat; for a date, do not in untidy clothes; for golfing, be an expert and old hand; for answering the phone or making calls, be a gentleman.『36words』

34、Gao Yunping collapsed. His hair was disheveled and his clothes were untidy. He waved a bastard in his hand, pointing to the East and scolding the west. He was mad about drinking in the yard. Gao's family felt sorry and anxious when they saw him.『45words』

35、 Two women fight, although there is no man's fist to come directly, but, wrestling, biting, pulling hair, pinching each other. There were also many tricks. After a few times, both of them were shaggy and scattered, their clothes were untidy and in a terrible state of confusion.『48words』

