

1、aldermen usually represent city wards.『5words』

2、All their ferocity was turned out-wards.『6words』

3、Applying nursing management mode in comfortable wards『7words』

4、I've grown up wandering the wards of Broadmoor.『8words』

5、The air raids had surcharged the emergency wards.『8words』

6、的法向量似乎是指向外部。,And, the,normal,vector,to,s, seems,to, be, pointing, out wards, everywhere。,如果我们有一个法向量指向外部的封闭曲面,并且我们要求出它的一个通量积分,那么我们可以用一个三重积分来代替这个通量积分。『8words』

7、It was a big constituency divided into three wards.『9words』

8、To treat with coldness- to Behave to wards one indifferently『10words』

9、The slope eases off to- wards the edge of the lake.『11words』

10、For patients in renal wards who have uncomplicated AKI, daily hemodialysis might be adequate.『14words』



11、One seedling after another quietly burst out of the soil and sprout to-wards the sky.『15words』

12、Researchers studied nearly 41, 000 singleton pregnancies between 2003 to 2005 at five British maternity wards.『16words』

13、“It’s our pride and joy, ” says Jamie Watt, a visitor to one of its wards.『16words』

14、Prince William first visited the children's wards at Wellington Hospital, saying afterwards he had enjoyed the experience.『17words』

15、Methods Serum CEA and CA19-9 of 240 patients admitted to internal digestive wards were examined with RIA method.『18words』

16、Such banks are not commercial operations; they are expensive wards of the state and must be treated as such.『19words』

17、You can see the no smoking sign—we don't allow smoking in the wards, and the same goes for alcohol.『19words』

18、Moreover, intensified surveillance has found no spread to other wards within the two hospitals or into the wider community.『19words』

19、I refused to let these companies become permanent wards of the state, kept afloat on an endless supply of taxpayer money.『21words』

20、Set a clear mission and deploy strategies under the leadership of Senior Director, Charity and Membership Management focused to wards that mission.『22words』



21、Even packing them like sardines into wards planned for half the number of beds, many cases requiring hospital treatment could not be admitted.『23words』

22、Then follow examples of disinfection rooms in wards and critical wards, on operation room level and as the soiled area of central sterilizing departments.『24words』

23、Now the worth of these properties has been revalued down- wards and some of the large borrowers are unable to repay their high debts to the banks.『27words』

24、Conditions in the maternity wards of hos2 pitals were almost as bad as in the surgical wards. There were constant epidemics. The mother often became feverish and died.『28words』

25、“Unfortunately, this election would be a holiday for many others and me whose wards Being uncontested, will miss out on a chance to evaluate for ourselves the Opposition."『28words』

26、Methods Six wards were randomly chosen from 16 wards in the hospital and randomly divided into a control group and an observation group, with each group having 3 wards.『29words』

27、Method Uses the 9 wards data of 2006 from some department of general hospital, utilizes value service project principle and the method, appraises the value of these 9 wards.『29words』

28、On two occasions earlier this week, doctors at Uige’s large provincial hospital were directly exposed to blood from Marburg patients being treated on general wards, without adequate infection control.『29words』

29、The proportion of those who believed alcohol counselling was highly relevant to care of patients was higher at entrance to wards (61%; 919/1516) than in final year students (46%; 606/1329).『30words』

30、In Britain a charity called Pets and Therapy has been taking animals into care homes, hospices, hospitals and children's wards to help patients recover and reduce stress levels since 1983.『30words』



31、Spread over extensive grounds, it had been neglected for years: the grass was shoulder high and the wards almost bare of furnishings (much of it had been looted after the US invasion).『32words』

32、My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains 我的心在痛,困顿和麻木My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, 刺进了感官有如饮过毒鸩Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains 又像是刚把鸦片吞服One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk: 于是向列斯忘川下沉『33words』

33、A Sikh aged 40was admitted to the medical wards with a complaint of weakness of Both lower limbs and loss of sensation over the lower half of his Body for the previous three months.『34words』

34、The reason they are going is that hypoxia( a lack of oxygen in cells, which can lead to death) is the one thing that links practically all patients in intensive-care wards— and there is no better place to study it than in the thin air of the world's highest mountain.『50words』

35、No person shall require any white female to nurse in wards or rooms in which Negro men are placed. Books shall not be interchangeable between the white and colored schools,but shall continue to be used by the race first using them.No colored barber shall served as a barber to white woman or girls.『53words』

