



3、enriching the blood and moistening dryness『6words』

4、Has the harmonic taste, heat dryness role.『7words』

5、Symptoms included frequent dryness in the mouth.『7words』

6、These foods reduce the hotness and dryness.『7words』

7、moisturize pathogenic dryness to loosen the Bowel『7words』

8、dryness and foreign-body sensation in the eyes『7words』

9、Analysis of different dryness/wetness index in Northwest China『8words』

10、It has a wry dryness you won't recognize.『8words』



11、And the basic reason for people's dryness is goal-orientation.『9words』

12、Abnormal dryness, especially of the skin, eyes, or mucous membranes.『10words』

13、Fuzzy control, on-line water monitoring and final dryness auto control system.『11words』

14、Eczema is a skin disease that causes spots, dryness, redness and itching.『12words』

15、There are good reasons why crop plants do not use dryness defenses already.『13words』

16、It is usually effective in clearing up pores, but it causes itching and dryness.『14words』

17、Alleviate the dryness of the skin, while bringing outstanding effects of tenderness, compactness and smoothness.『15words』

18、Some areas of the world experienced unusually dry conditions and excessive dryness led to extensive forest fire.『17words』

19、Quantification of Pathogeny Factors in Warm-dryness Syndrome and Cold-dryness Syndrome Cold Caused by Exogenous Evils and Multidimentional Correlation Study『19words』

20、Many of them are the same that regulate how seeds become dryness-tolerant while still attached to their parent plants.『19words』



21、The first reason of dryness index variation is the rainfall change, the second is the chang of accumulated temperature.『19words』

22、a hygrometer consisting of a dry-bulb and a wet-bulb thermometer; their difference indicates the dryness of the surrounding air.『19words』

23、Marigold essence: prevent puffiness of eyes skin, and make your eyes skin more tight, improve the dryness or puffiness of eye-bags.『21words』

24、Methods Using the epidemiologic methods of intervention, to compare the effect of Se supplement, Vit C supplement and cereals dryness on KBD's treatment.『23words』

25、Methods Totally 99 SPF Kunming mice were randomized into normal temperature and humidity group, warm-dryness group, and cool- dryness group with 33 in each.『24words』

26、At the preparation period adopted a method combined evaporation to dryness by water bath and microwave ashing which mostly reduced the losing of metals.『24words』

27、After long years of dryness, the paper of those ink-and-wash paintings had become extremely fragile. How could we have the heart to risk damaging more of them?『27words』

28、Because of this beautiful atmosphere, I can not concentrate on the taste buds, only feel the heat and dryness behind, always be careful not to bite his fingers.『28words』

29、Comfrey is added to lotion because it guards against dryness and helps prevent wrinkles and encourages skin cell regeneration. It is not an herb you want to take internally however.『30words』

30、Zinc and vitamin A are important for normal, healthy skin. Zinc helps the skin repair itself, and vitamin A aids in keeping skin supple, preventing dryness and helping shed dead cells.『31words』



31、The rain is fine and dense, drops by drops, gently beating on the dry skin, the dryness and heat on the skin never returns, and the worries in the heart also subsided a little.『34words』

32、Close your eyes, do you think you have done a lot of things because of your anger and dryness? Is it often affected by the environment or by people? Is it often angry for small things?『36words』

33、Thus, in the course of time, I've somehow got the hang of flower cultivation. Some flowers which are accustomed to growing in the shade should not be too much exposed to the sun. Those which prefer dryness should not be watered too often.『43words』

34、Pearl rains, evening bells in the mountains, dew pavilions by the lake, and the changes of the time have been integrated into your freehand poems. I count the process of day and night, describing the intersection of you and me, but I am surprised at the dryness and paleness of the materials.『52words』


上一篇:one by one造句,用one by one怎么造句子(34句)