

1、Complimenting is lying.『3words』

2、I know he's lying.『4words』

3、He can't be lying.『4words』

4、He is not lying.『4words』

5、Because you are lying『4words』

6、Laugh eyes and lying face.『5words』

7、I hate lying and cheating.『5words』

8、'You're lying,' he said baldly.『5words』

9、a good cure for lying『5words』

10、They would never countenance lying.『5words』



11、He was lying—or was he?『5words』

12、a low-lying region in central France.『6words』

13、Poor John Doe is just lying someplace.『7words』

14、Battered wings lying haphazardly over your floor.『7words』

15、Karen saw a woman lying in bed.『7words』

16、First, we'll examine some nonverbal signs of lying.『8words』

17、You'd see them lying there with their teddy bears.『9words』

18、In a job interview even a slight exaggeration is lying.『10words』

19、“He is lying," said the girl angrily, lying on the hay.『11words』

20、The police suspect that the escaped convict is lying up in this city.『13words』



21、Harvard cognitive neuroscientist Joshua Gireene says, for most of us, lying takes work.『13words』

22、Pluralistic sports needs satisfied people, the equalling driving the sports service lying fallow melts;『14words』

23、The only form of lying that is absolutely beyond reproach is lying for its own sake.『16words』

24、The only form of lying that be absolutely beyond reproach be lying for Its own sake.『16words』

25、A research of effection of pregnancy lying-in woman blood lead zinc over the pregnancy lying-in woman『16words』

26、The researchers plan to extend their studies to see whether all this lying undermines children's trust.『16words』

27、The gardener's boy chopped the Tree into small pieces; there was a whole heap lying there.『16words』

28、In winter, Bodhi island is like a slender woman lying in the Gulf of Bohai, lying quietly there.『18words』

29、Many people regard lying and deception as a means. They believe that lying and deception will bring benefits to themselves.『20words』

30、Lying in your hot youth is like lying on your hot sun with a love seal, never wanting to be uncovered.『21words』



31、Lying on achievement is as dangerous as lying in the snow on your way. You'll be drowsy and die in a deep sleep.『23words』

32、Not only may participants in a study be lying to those running a test, but they may also, fundamentally, be lying to themselves.『23words』

33、Two cores are general service center lying near South Railway Station and high service center lying near Subway Station No. 5 and No. 6.『24words』

