more than造句,用more than怎么造句子(33句)

more than造句,用more than怎么造句子

1、That's more than enough.『4words』

2、No more than three.『4words』

3、Care corrode more than poison.『5words』

4、Is nineteen more than eighteen?『5words』

5、Hibernation is more than sleep.『5words』

6、Diet cures more than doctors.『5words』

7、BPM is more than automation.『5words』

8、But Iraq is more than history.『6words』

9、Worship is far more than music.『6words』

10、We'll extol your love more than wine.『7words』

more than造句,用more than怎么造句子(33句)

more than造句,用more than怎么造句子

11、America's jobless rate has more than doubled.『7words』

12、But more than that, it raises awareness.『7words』

13、We're earning more and spending more than ever.『8words』

14、More than 300 enterprises provide more than 3,000 vacancies.『9words』

15、Words more than words, words less than good words.『9words』

16、Is India more than a hundred times bigger than Panama?『10words』

17、No more than others badly, should work harder than others.『10words』

18、Have more than you show speak less than you know『10words』

19、Is it zero, less than zero or more than zero?『10words』

20、More than 220 cities will have more than one million people.『11words』

more than造句,用more than怎么造句子(33句)

more than造句,用more than怎么造句子

21、The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment.『13words』

22、In fact, women are more sensitive, more things to resist, more than secular.『13words』

23、More than 400 Giraffes have been sold to more than 20 countries since 1978.『14words』

24、By 2010, average annual GDP growth of more than 13%, reaching more than 12.4 billion;『15words』

25、Christ's life was more than His teaching, more than His work, more even than His death.『16words』

26、Smile more than you cry, give more than you take, and love more than you hate.『16words』

27、More than 200 employees, including management of 42, intermediate and tertiary titles more than 15 people.『16words』

28、 More than 12 million houses, more than 18 million loans, a total of more than 31 million.『18words』

29、I love you more than the tallest tree, more than the biggest mountain, and more than the brightest star.『19words』

30、So please remember, don't drink more than six points, eat more than seven points, not enough love a person not more than eight!『23words』

more than造句,用more than怎么造句子(33句)

more than造句,用more than怎么造句子

31、Yet along the way he found that white more than black, women more than men, and old more than young prefer a same-race partner.『24words』

32、The main index in New York fell more than 2%. London and Frankfurt closed down more than 2.5%, and Paris fell more than 3.5%.『24words』

33、We surpassed the 2009 attendance and had more sponsors, more attendees (from more than 22 different countries), and more technical sessions than ever before.『24words』

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