

1、point of intended landing『4words』

2、Something intended to mystify.『4words』

3、notice of intended dividend『4words』

4、Use only for intended purpose!『5words』

5、Each has an intended purpose.『5words』

6、Inflicting or intended to inflict punishment.『6words』

7、That was what Ada Quonsetf astutely intended.『7words』

8、punishment intended as a warning to others.『7words』

9、Soil conservation is intended to curb erosion.『7words』

10、The article was intended to provoke discussion.『7words』



11、It should always be appropriate for its intended purpose.『9words』

12、Any type of merchandise intended for resale to customers.『9words』

13、Which functionality is most important to the project's intended purpose?『10words』

14、They intended to introduce investment and technology into the region.『10words』

15、His father intended to set him up as a greengrocer.『10words』

16、This term shall include the intended mother, intended father, or both.『11words』

17、This email is intended solely for the intended recipient or recipients.『11words』

18、The approach is intended for people like 1st Lt. Frederick Simpson.『11words』

19、The donors then can each donate, but to the other intended recipient.『12words』

20、Several years and development releases later, PCLinuxOS is rapidly approaching its intended state.『13words』



21、Airplane maneuver to keep the airplane from progressing along the intended route of flight.『14words』

22、Is intended for internal use (as opposed to mass-produced, packaged software intended for external consumers).『15words』

23、HSF requirements not stated by the customer but necessary for specified or intended USES, where known.『16words』

24、It was intended as part of a bottoming cycle to improve the efficiency of conventional IC engines.『17words』

25、In closing, we have suggested a number of ways TCF can be extended beyond its original intended use.『18words』

26、Purpose This report is mainly intended to discuss ultrastructural features and nature of the long spacing collagen (LSC);『18words』

27、None of the intended donor-recipient transplants were possible because of incompatibilities between the donor and the originally intended recipient.『19words』

28、Studios are adding puzzles, interviews and other special features to discs intended for sale, but not to discs intended for rental.『21words』

29、A sermon, especially one intended to edify a congregation on a practical matter and not intended to be a theological discourse.『21words』

30、This explains why there are two wizards: one is intended for models in general, while the other is intended for UML models.『22words』



31、The house is intended to be enveloped by vegetation - roofs exposed to view are realized as green roofs, the entire house is intended to be covered with climbing plants.『30words』

32、The JSF was intended to be a stealth fighter with the ability to cruise at supersonic speeds. It was intended to be reliable enough for different missions in land, sea and air conflict.『33words』

33、“must have intended a legally enforceable, as distinct from a merely social or extral-legal agreement, and the agreement must not be objectionable as intended to effect an impossibility or anything illegal or contrary to public policy or otherwise unenforceable."『39words』


上一篇:other than造句,用other than怎么造句子(33句)