

1、They evolved together.『3words』

2、Norms have evolved and fragmented.『5words』

3、Man has evolved from monkeys.『5words』

4、Hygiene has evolved into preventive medicine.『6words』

5、His solo quickly evolved into competition.『6words』

6、Man has evolved from the ape.『6words』

7、Pneumatic valve was evolved from the plug.『7words』

8、We have evolved as perspicuous of animals.『7words』

9、Early temples were rock-cut, later structural temples evolved.『8words』

10、Many species have evolved clear signals to delineate playfulness.『9words』



11、The company has evolved into a major chemical manufacturer.『9words』

12、Since then it has evolved into a global crisis.『9words』

13、This combination of tunic and choir evolved with time.『9words』

14、This over-attribution of cause and effect probably evolved for survival.『10words』

15、Sets forth a process whereby these objectives and practices shall be evolved.『12words』

16、Like animals, humans evolved with an elaborate mechanism for processing information about potential threats.『14words』

17、Men and women evolved over a 450 000 year period known as the Stone Age.『15words』

18、Salsa is a kind of dancing that evolved in the mid 1970s in New York.『15words』

19、In other words, JIRA and bug trackers in general, have really evolved into full-featured, multifaceted applications.『16words』

20、Some mammals stayed small or evolved to occupy niches previously occupied by tiny to medium-sized animals.『16words』



21、But they quickly evolved to be as big as dinosaurs, then evolved to be smaller again. What happened?『18words』

22、It was only after "toddler" became a common shoppers' term that it evolved into a broadly accepted developmental stage.『19words』

23、For today, let's look at a reptile, a predator that hasn't evolved much in the last seventy million years.『19words』

24、Like most of the Spring Festival customs, the origin of the lion dance is also evolved from an ancient legend.『20words』

25、According to the first of these theories, each individual have evolved, aided by natural selection, an adaptation to the rhythmic environment.『21words』

26、He argues that humans have evolved to share a faculty for language, the same way a spider evolved to spin a web.『22words』

27、They have evolved special "heaters" of modified muscle tissue that warm the eyes and brain, maintaining peak performance of these critical organs.『22words』

28、Polar bears have evolved unique features for Arctic life, including furred feet that have good traction on ice and totally cute and cuddly.『23words』

29、But insofar as any one sentence can sum up the elaborate division of Labour that has evolved between these vast economic blocks that is it.『25words』

30、They evolved to recognise only a few basic tastes in order to quickly identify toxins, which in nature are often quite bitter or acidly sour.『25words』



31、“I thought as the wire evolved — as the tension evolved — harmonicity would also change over time," Purdue University physics professor Nicholas Giordano told Discovery News.『27words』

32、From a detailed analysis of the salamanders' family tree, however, it is clear that the other lineages evolved from an ancestor that itself had lost the ability to metamorphose.『29words』

33、We've also given some insight into one future direction of SOA, showing how IT patterns have evolved into industry templates, providing technology and process blueprints for the entire enterprise.『29words』

