

1、meddle with:tamper with『3words』

2、Don't meddle in my affairs.『5words』

3、Inclined to meddle or interfere.『5words』

4、Do not meddle with the tools.『6words』

5、You don't want me to meddle『6words』

6、Moreover, European governments like to meddle.『6words』

7、Canty roared out, "Thou'lt meddle, wilt thou?"『7words』

8、If only you hadn't felt compelled to meddle.『8words』

9、He had no right to meddle in her affairs.『9words』

10、Often the best thing governments can do is meddle less.『10words』



11、God forgive me. And let no men meddle with me.『10words』

12、Falsehood like a nettle stings those who meddle with it.『10words』

13、There is no one to meddle, Sir. I have no kindred to interfere.『13words』

14、Not only do we meddle, but now, we tell others to meddle as well.『14words』

15、Joseph shuffled up and made a noise; but resolutely refused to meddle with him.『14words』

16、Hypocritical northerners claiming the right to meddle in the domestic affairs of the South.『14words』

17、Edison saw the film industry profitable and determined not to let other companies meddle.『14words』

18、The FBI began investigating Russia's apparent attempts to meddle in the election over the summer.『15words』

19、FOR as long as humans have romanced each other, others have wanted to meddle. 自人类开始谈恋爱以来,局外人就总想多管闲事。『15words』

20、To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever.『16words』



21、It is not for us who are passengers, to meddle with the chart and with the compass.『17words』

22、More so, who are we to tell India to meddle in the internal affairs of its powerful neighbor?『18words』

23、My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change.『19words』

24、I thought this made it still more dangerous; yet the strain was so heavy that I half feared to meddle.『20words』

25、On the contrary, if you meet him in the woods, if you don't meddle with him, he won't meddle with you.『21words』

26、Previous governments have tinkered with contribution rules to try to make the numbers add up, but never dared to meddle with retirement at 60.『24words』

27、Wherefore it is better to be a guest of the law, which, though conducted by rules, does not meddle unduly with a gentleman's private affairs.『25words』

28、He had never considered Xiangzi as a possible son-in-law, but since his daughter was fond of this pig-headed fellow, he had no business to meddle.『25words』

29、Avoid consuming large quantities of caffeine as well as foods that are heavy in fat and sugar, which meddle with a person's ability to fall asleep.『26words』

30、Besides, the little rascal liked to meddle in other people's business.Fortunately, every precaution had been taken, and none of the letters had fallen into Hsiao-ch'eng's hands.『26words』



31、In arguing that "the purpose of the corporation must be redefined as creating Shared value, not just profit per se," he risks giving politicians carte Blanche to meddle in the private sector.『32words』

32、It has promised to stay in its barracks. But a close result and the ensuing horse-trading might tempt it to meddle again-especially if it looks as if Mr Thaksin is on his way back.『34words』

33、Make sure that you have application under test installed in an environment which is only available only for the people who are on the board of test automation project, so that others will not meddle with test data.『38words』

