

1、dock dues and shipping『4words』

2、I've already paid my membership dues.『6words』

3、Jim's dues were checked off every month.『7words』

4、Annual membership dues are two yuan per head.『8words』

5、Everybody's got their dues in life to pay.『8words』

6、Other credit card companies charge their members annual dues.『9words』

7、He has paid his bills (dues / subscriptions / taxes).『10words』

8、The accounting office checked off each worker's dues every month.『10words』

9、They suspended ten members of the club for nonpayment of dues『11words』

10、Membership dues are billed annually and are available at several different participation levels.『13words』



11、Payment claims for ship's tonnage dues, pilotage dues, harbour dues and other port charges;『14words』

12、So, like I told you, you cannot stop me. I paid my dues. Yeah.『14words』

13、No one should benefit from the activity of their union without paying dues to it.『15words』

14、Party B shall pay the taxes and dues imposed upon him by the Chinese Government.『15words』

15、“harbor dues, fees; port dues: Charged for the use of the port by the ship and its cargo."『18words』

16、Graduates wishing to proceeding to the MA may do so on payment of the necessary fees and dues.『18words』

17、Cloud service is the Construction Bank CCB membership dues collection unit, a free payment payment platform built by people.『19words』

18、In Tirana, after I returned from Moscow, I felt the city, like some importunate blackmailer, still claiming its unpaid dues.『20words』

19、Mutual aid, also known as fraternalism, refers to social organizations that gathered dues and paid benefits to members facing hardship.『20words』

20、Who knows whether or not these industrious worthies do not pay to their feudal lord some dues for his protection?"『20words』



21、These activities shall not require the payment of any dues to the Commissioner General of the Exposition or to the Organizer.『21words』

22、His iconic status in Asia has brought abundant endorsements, an autobiography and a fan club with a reported 87, 000 dues-paying members.『22words』

23、It happens because a majority of the 182 UN members do not pay their dues. The largest defaulter has been the United States.『23words』

24、Of course it would be better if all these companies paid their dues and got on with business; but that is another story.『23words』

25、Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.『24words』

26、Paying a whole year's dues up front, instead of month per month, may also save you money-but only if you're sure not to give up or cancel your membership.『29words』

27、The Washington state Republican Party initiated the reform idea as a way to sever the ties between Washington Democrats and unions, which were funnelling members' dues directly into Democratic Party coffers.『31words』

28、Perennial membership dues in proportion to the members' level of principal amount with reference to their turnover; the criteria of levels and membership dues are stipulated in articles of commercial trade council.『32words』

29、Indentured servants, thus bound, performed any work their "employers" demanded in exchange for room, board, and certain "freedom dues" of money or land that were received at the end of the period of indenture.『34words』

30、As she neared the end of her prison sentence, a well-known columnist wrote that she was "paying her dues," and that "there is simply no reason for anyone to attempt to deny her right to start anew." 『38words』



31、Article3 All citizens of the People's Republic of China who, regardless of ethnic status, race, sex, occupation, religious belief and education status, recognize the Statutes of the Red Cross Society of China and pay membership dues, may join the Society on a voluntary basis.『44words』

32、At that time, not only did he return home to pay his dues, but he also returned to the Royal city, and could not give the monarch an account. After all, this was not only planned by their grandparents, but also by the help of the Royal family.『48words』

33、I agree to abide by the constitution and by-laws of the SINO in the People's Republic of China, if and when I am accepted as a member of the chamber. I understand and accept that I must pay annual membership dues to Sino upon approval of my membership.『48words』

