

1、Number of extents deallocated from database objects.『7words』

2、Three extents can be seen in this table.『8words』

3、Log file extents can be specified as primary or secondary.『10words』

4、The parameter zsecondary is used to allocate fixed secondary extents.『10words』

5、Reduce the number of extents of the table or index space.『11words』

6、The Extents tab lists all the extents associated with the given dbspace.『12words』

7、However, the REPACK option does not necessarily reduce the number of extents.『12words』

8、Given this behaviour ensure that there are a reasonable number of secondary extents.『13words』

9、If tables have too many extents, it is very likely that those extents are interleaved.『15words』

10、All these cases had acute hemolytic anemia, jaundice, hemoglobinuria and reduced G6PD activity to different extents.『16words』



11、Modify the entry for LogPrimaryFiles to the required value to change the number of primary extents.『16words』

12、Secondary log file extents are allocated dynamically by the queue manager when the primary files are exhausted.『17words』

13、You can also specify the size of the first extent and of subsequent extents when dbspaces are created『18words』

14、10 primary extents and 10 secondary extents for the log specified with the -lp 10 and -ls 10 flags.『19words』

15、It has also been designed to use extents, but if this is used, then compatibility with ext3fs is lost.『19words』

16、For instance: does a large number of extents for a table space really have a measurable negative performance impact?『19words』

17、The number of extents needed depends on the amount of data to be logged and the size of each extent.『20words』

18、Primary extents are allocated and formatted by the queue manager when it is first started or when extra extents are added.『21words』

19、A segment is a set of extents that contains all the data for a specific logical storage structure within a tablespace.『21words』

20、These nouns all denote extents of space, especially on a surface, that can be differentiated from others by particular qualities or characteristics.『22words』



21、Main malting conditions, such as germinating temperature, steeping temperature and air-rest time had significant effects on the process with different extents and mechanisms.『23words』

22、Figure 35 indicates how to enact a consistency and corruption check on data and extents, narrowing down the filter to the 'table' level.『23words』

23、The defragmenter merges multiple smaller extents to get longer contiguous extents for a partition, thereby reducing the total number of extents in a partition.『24words』

24、The operations that may take longer with short extents include: finding extents, mapping logical to physical addresses, light scans, archives, read-ahead, and checkpoint flush.『24words』

25、The increase of the reduced masses as well as the decrease of the bond-angles will ital to the increase of the irregular(chaotic) extents of responding eigenvalue-sp…『26words』

26、An extentis a logical unit of database storage space allocation made up of a number of contiguousdata blocks. One or more extents in turn make up a segment.『28words』

27、Informix 11.7 introduces the new DEFRAGMENT SQL API option, which moves data to new extents, creating contiguous extents that can be coalesced into a single larger extent wherever possible.『29words』

28、That problem is gone. Informix 11.7 extends the table's extent capability to support more than 32,000 extents, making the extent list virtually unlimited due to the effects of extent doubling.『30words』

29、In order to increase the amount of data that can be written and reduce the amount of switching between log extents, use values at the upper end of the range.『30words』

30、Private cars can meet the townsman's demand of more frequent egressions, larger extents of egression, and higher egression quality with the result of benefit, convenience and comfort to the townsman.『30words』



31、Merging extents to get fewer extents (defragmentation) is beneficial to customers who have a large number of extents in a partition and are likely to run into the partition page overflow problem.『32words』

32、However they are extremely useful if there is an unexpected peak in activity which results in all of the primary extents being filled (due to a long running unit of work for example).『33words』

33、The seven key river systems were polluted to various extents, with the water quality in over 50% of the monitoring sections being at V Grade and worse than V Grade. The river courses through the cities and close to cities were seriously polluted.『43words』

