


2、unpreventable hysteria.『2words』

3、An attack of hysteria.『4words』

4、A person suffering from hysteria.『5words』

5、Dogs and cats living together…mass hysteria.『6words』

6、She felt an anxiety bordering on hysteria.『7words』

7、Of, characterized by, or arising from hysteria.『7words』

8、carried along on a tidal wave of hysteria『8words』

9、There was hysteria in her cry of resentment.『8words』

10、The boy is half insane with hysteria and self-indulgence.『9words』



11、There was mass hysteria when the band came on stage.『10words』

12、Abstract:To explore the etiology of hysteria through the aspect of mentalism.『11words』

13、Even after their hysteria-inducing article, the authors have this to say.『11words』

14、Still, even at the height of hysteria, witches in England were rarely burned.『13words』

15、Objective To explore the causes of misdiagnosis of hysteria first-diagnosis in psychiatric outpatient department.『14words』

16、He can forgive sudden hysteria, panic, bad and inexplicable actions, all kinds of mistakes.『14words』

17、But 1960s America was also a period of growing concern (hysteria, even) about population in developing countries.『17words』

18、Known as Anna o., this patient was a young woman suffering from what was then called hysteria.『17words』

19、Mental disorders are another cause of riots, such as hypertension, psychiatric disorders, insanity, depression, phobia, hysteria, etc.『17words』

20、A lesson here is offered by the recent experience of wheat prices, caused by a price hysteria in March.『19words』



21、Doctors tried to minister to her hysteria, depression, anorexia, insomnia, wildly alternating moods, lacerating rages, trances, fugue states, terrible confusions.『20words』

22、Feverish speculation all over the internet, gadget shoppers nearing mass hysteria and pundits predicting our lives will never be the same.『21words』

23、It is because I want to be loved from head to toe, justified in my every choice, that the seduction hysteria exists.『22words』

24、Besides this, hatha yoga has proved very effective in cases of epilepsy, hysteria, rheumatism and many other ailments of a chronic and constitutional nature.『24words』

25、It has blamed the furore on media hysteria; only a few privacy activists have publicly committed “Facebook suicide” by closing their accounts (see article).『24words』

26、These fears are mostly exaggerated: as with hysteria about genetic modification, we humans are generally wise enough to manage these problems with speed and care.『25words』

27、The group is the remnants of the so-called Gang of 10 that tried to work out a sensible energy strategy during the "drill, baby, drill" hysteria of the 2008 presidential campaign.『31words』

28、Need to remind everyone here that for some patients with acute attack of hysteria, it is necessary and timely medical treatment under the guidance of a doctor to take appropriate treatment.『31words』

29、There is so much hysteria in the hard money camp on Greece and the European Union that one had better start looking at the facts otherwise it could cost you a lot of money.『34words』

30、As the stores inundate us with CARDS, tokens, and advertisements, and we begin to dream of red hearts as we sleep, it's easy to feel a sense of obligation to join the romantic hysteria.『34words』



31、A lot of people had different agendas in building "hysteria" around the deal, he said, with a sort of resigned, weary disgust: "they caught us with dirty hands and they built this hysteria around it."『35words』

32、Sometimes, facing people around, suddenly feel unable to speak. Sometimes, things that have been insisting on one night are completely different. Sometimes, if I want to indulge myself, I hope I can go crazy in hysteria.『36words』

