

1、properly labeled luggage.『3words』

2、properly observed signal aspect『4words』

3、Don't connect up properly『4words』

4、Smoke detector properly installed『4words』

5、Everything was properly done.『4words』

6、When judiciously and properly exercised.『5words』

7、Keeping food properly in fridge.『5words』

8、Get dressed properly and neatly.『5words』

9、Are your bowels acting properly『5words』

10、The bag won't fasten properly.『5words』



11、The children must be properly socialized.『6words』

12、China wanted the boundary properly negotiated.『6words』

13、This lid won't screw on properly.『6words』

14、The body is not functioning properly.『6words』

15、This piston should be properly centered.『6words』

16、The sentry damage augmentor rig bonus is applied properly.『9words』

17、What's the highest temp that VFD can run properly『9words』

18、He really wants to fulfil his role as godson properly.『10words』

19、But, just what does a properly balanced diet consist of?『10words』

20、Reading, done properly, is every bit as tough as writing.『10words』



21、In order to properly handle criticism, you also need to properly handle praise.『13words』

22、This simplistic approach does not ensure the data is properly saved to Salesforce, however.『14words』

23、To properly size Cloudy for our environment, we configured 32 virtual machine MediaWiki instances.『14words』

24、Fifth, handle properly the relationship between nuclear security and peaceful use of nuclear energy.『14words』

25、Only 20% of China's 168m tonnes of solid waste per year is properly disposed of.『15words』

26、His mission is to ensure that the personal information in the computer is properly utilized and properly stored.『18words』

27、You'll need a live database properly seeded with lookup data to test the GUI and a properly working GUI to test the data access logic.『25words』

28、“Cannot print the %% file. Be sure that your printer is connected properly and use Control Panel to verify that the printer is configured properly.『25words』

29、Failed to Initialize Print Dialogs. Make sure that your printer is connected properly and use Control Panel to verify that the printer is configured properly.『25words』

30、The language you selected is not properly installed. Please verify that the preinstallation tools are properly installed for that language and reinstall them if necessary.『25words』



31、The Majority Node Set quorum resource private properties are needed to properly configure the cluster. Ensure that the Majority Node Set resource is properly configured.『25words』

