


2、sigma-minus hyperonic atom『3words』

3、consensus minus one『3words』

4、That's a different minus.『4words』

5、LEFT IP SPEAKER (−)『4words』

6、What's nine minus seven?『4words』

7、A minus value;minus five degrees.『5words』

8、One minus one is zero.『5words』

9、Eight minus five is three.『5words』

10、Twenty minus one is nineteen.『5words』



11、Chlorine would become chlorine minus.『5words』

12、Five minus two is three.『5words』

13、Axle Input Operating Angle −7°『5words』

14、He came back minus an arm.『6words』

15、How much is twenty-nine minus thirteen?『6words』

16、Totally he got 20 minus signs.『6words』

17、The statue survived though minus a leg.『7words』

18、Plus and minus signs were used in 1514 in Holland.『10words』

19、There is a minus before the number to be subtract『10words』

20、unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned『10words』



21、Winter temperatures can drop to below minus 35 degrees Celsius.『10words』

22、I guess that was a minus sign, of m of minus m of dx.『14words』

23、Data cycle minus one, the material at the flashing position minus one for every pushing.『15words』

24、The unary minus (-) and unary plus (+) are the same operators as binary minus and plus.『17words』

25、If the pattern specifies a leading minus sign for negative input, a trailing minus sign is ignored.『17words』

26、The coldest temperature ever on Earth minus 128.5 degrees F (minus 89.2 degrees c), July 21, 1983, Vostok, Antarctica.『19words』

27、Seeds must be stored at minus 20 degrees Celsius (minus 4 Fahrenheit), and plant sprouts that rely on cryo-preservation must be far colder.『23words』

28、For a long put, equal to the put value minus the premium. For a short put, equal to the premium minus the put value.『24words』

29、The experiments were made possible by a novel, one-layer ion trap cooled to minus 269 C (minus 452 F) with a liquid helium bath.『24words』

30、If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. - Winnie the Pooh 如果你要活到一百岁,那么我只要活到一百岁差一天,这样我就不用度过没有你陪伴的分分秒秒。『31words』



31、So in our first structure, we would find for the nitrogen we have a formal charge 5 minus 4 minus 2, because we're starting with 5 valence electrons, so that is a formal charge of minus 1.『37words』

