

1、A weighty argument.『3words』

2、Obesity is a weighty problem.『5words』

3、He made a weighty speech.『5words』

4、Your baggage must be very weighty.『6words』

5、Let us turn to less weighty matters.『7words』

6、He has threatened to publish a weighty refutation.『8words』

7、Lucy seemed to have something weighty on her mind.『9words』

8、It is weighty work, which he cannot wield by himself.『10words』

9、This is weighty work, which he cannot wield by himself.『10words』

10、This was a subject most of the people thought weighty .『11words』



11、This kind of testimony can be weighty and convincing to others.『11words』

12、Washington, or at least the White House, found Averell's testimony weighty.『11words』

13、Fig4. I am a bit weighty now. Would I be the next target?『13words』

14、Fame, like water, bear up the lighter thing, and let the weighty sink .『14words』

15、He wants to shrink the weighty state subsidy that Whitehall gives to Northern Ireland.『14words』

16、A stone is heavy, and the sand weighty; but a fool's wrath is heavier than them both.『17words』

17、And yet love's more mineral, more dense, more bitter and more weighty than the earth's profoundest matter.『17words』

18、For his letters, say they, are weighty and powerful; but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible.『19words』

19、The variety of equation type and multiple spike type were more economic than weighty spike type under general production condition,...『20words』

20、These attempted jokes usually fuse the weighty with the quotidian, in the manner of Woody Allen, only without the laughs.『20words』



21、Cor. 10:10 Because while his letters, someone says, are weighty and strong, his bodily presence is weak and his speech contemptible.『21words』

22、The level of music in this world is not low. To catch the ears of the masses, Lindy must produce weighty works.『22words』

23、The testimony of an eyewitness can be weighty and convincing. Many a juror has been swayed by the testimony of a creditable witness.『23words』

24、What would the emperor of Japan do if he could shed his weighty crown for a day and roam freely among the common people?『24words』

25、The problem with this sort of thinking is that it seems to suggest history is not weighty, and there is not some degree of inertia in users.『27words』

26、I have no recollection of the name, features or disposition of this tutor of ours, but the impression of his weighty advice and weightier hand has not yet faded.『29words』

27、Finally, the deputies returned abashed to their constituents, pronouncing the matter too weighty to be handled, except by a council of the churches, if, indeed, it might not require a general synod『32words』

28、That said, the Absolute is quite a weighty number and it would be advisable to find a case that supports the PSU in some other way than just the four rear screws.『32words』

29、If you can carry out the word "make" with a firm hand, and have a series of academic knowledge and action as well as operation, even if the old will turn into the new and weighty things.『37words』

30、Religion is playing a due role and having a due influence in the contemporary China, especially in the duality of Christian morality, that is behavior moral law and psychology moral law, which are the weighty characteristics of functions of Christian moralization.『41words』



31、I repos'd my self here a week, to rest and regale my self after my long journey; during which, most of the time was taken up in the weighty affair of making a cage for my poll, who began now to be a mere domestick, and to be well acquainted with me.『52words』

