

1、 They are staunch soldiers.『5words』

2、Such weirs were called staunch.『5words』

3、He is a staunch communist.『5words』

4、I helped her staunch cut.『5words』

5、Even the staunch Conservative will turn.『6words』

6、He has turned into a staunch fighter.『7words』

7、I am a staunch supporter of free trade.『8words』

8、He was a staunch Methodist, a lay preacher.『8words』

9、She was a staunch supporter of America's veterans.『8words』

10、Has he really? How amazing, the staunch supporter of smokers.『10words』



11、Even Romania, once a staunch supporter of Nabucco, is wobbling.『10words』

12、It also remains a staunch supporter of NATO and the EEC.『11words』

13、Courageous, staunch, true, he lived for his beliefs and now he died for them.『14words』

14、With the publication of "Franny and Zooey," even staunch Salinger admirers began to break ranks.『15words』

15、It's that staunch belief that when I love what I do, success has to come.『15words』

16、And the merger then faces another big hurdle: Suez shareholders' staunch opposition to the deal's pricing.『16words』

17、The Chinese nation is a peace-loving people, and China is always a staunch force safeguarding world peace.『17words』

18、I am most grateful for the European Union's continued staunch support for Hong Kong in this regard.『17words』

19、Mr Bush had been assured that Mr Souter was a staunch conservative; he proved to be anything but.『18words』

20、A negative person likely has very staunch views and isn't going to change that just because of what you said.『20words』



21、The next step is to try to staunch the flow proper with drilling mud, a mixture of water and clay minerals.『21words』

22、Facts since the founding of New China show the world that China has consistently been a staunch force in safeguarding regional and world peace.『24words』

23、The character may be a staunch supporter and key resource to a great house, and has tremendous sway in the region due to economic control.『25words』

24、This generosity to America's enemies also sits ill with a more brusque approach to staunch Allies, such as Japan (see article), Britain and several east European countries.『27words』

25、Even staunch opponents of reform such as Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, concede that students who arrived here at a young age shouldn't be deported.『30words』

26、A reauthorized version of the NCLB could pave the way for more districts to reward the best teachers with such bonuses, though any such effort faces staunch challenges from teacher unions.『31words』

27、Persevere in the Party′s absolute leadership over the army and take the road of fewer but better troops with Chinese characteristics. The people′s army is a staunch pillar of the people′s democratic dictatorship『33words』

28、A video shows a man who appears to be in his 20s with a backpack squatting over the woman and trying to staunch the bleeding while others in the crowded international arrivals hall walk by or stare.『37words』

29、It is heartening to know that certain Muslim leaders, who had been foes and staunch critics of America, have joined the world to assist America to hunt down the perpetrators of the New York disasters and other terrorists-in-waiting.『38words』

30、Annie: I have never thought that swimming can bring us so many benefits. I only know that swimming in great waves and deep running water can train people's spirits, and enable people to be fearless of the hardships, dangers and difficulties and become brave and staunch.『46words』



31、Memmie, touched with compassion and guilt, ran in search of some frogs. When she found one, she stripped off its skin and spread it over the girl's brow to staunch the wound, binding the dressing in place with the thread from the bark of a tree.『46words』

