

1、rotating space station『3words』

2、The wheel is rotating.『4words』

3、rotating multitarget stereotactic apparatus『4words』

4、rotating and stratified flow『4words』

5、elapsed time rotating bezel『4words』



6、rotating-iron type under-voltage relay『4words』

7、My goodness! It's still rotating『5words』

8、the technique of rotating crops『5words』

9、through hole rotating oil cylinder『5words』

10、rotating anode x ray generator『5words』



11、rotating anode x ray tube『5words』

12、Drawing operations: aligning, z-ordering, scaling, rotating.『6words』

13、laser beam rotating mirror image recorder『6words』

14、Metals-rotating bar bending corrosion fatigue testing『6words』

15、To loosen, adjust, or remove by rotating.『7words』

16、It is the clock of the rotating neutron star.『9words』

17、Engineers systematically verify the smooth operation of the rotating bezel.『10words』

18、It tells you it is rotating about a vertical axis.『10words』

19、Structure of a pulsar - a rotating magnetic neutron star.『10words』

20、Numerical simulation of continuous rotating detonation engine in column coordinate『10words』



21、Built-in thermal protection for rotating electrical machines-Rules for protection of rotating electrical machines『13words』

22、Calculating of rotating speed of rotating machinery and method of key phasor pulse processing『14words』

23、The constant speed rotating unit includes an inner rotating rod and an outer stationary pipe.『15words』

24、The phenomena of relativity in two mutually rotating coordinates are discussed by using the rotating Lorentz transformation.『17words』

25、Rotating Bio-disc is also named as rotating disc bio-filter. Understand the configuration, theory and feature of rotating Bio-disc.『18words』

26、The roll forming device inputs the rotating drive force to the forming roll (2) from rotating force transmitting means (1).『20words』

27、The rotating impeller feeder is above the cylindrical rotating impeller with a specific volume of the discharge of materials to a certain speed.『23words』

28、By using light scattering technique, the transition of rotating energy levels from hydrogen molecular occurs and produced rotating Raman bands for orthohydrogen and parahydrogen are at 587.『27words』

29、And, if you take a vector field where maybe everything is rotating, a flow that's just rotating about some axis, then you'll find that its divergence is zero.『28words』

30、As one side of a rotating body (i.e. an asteroid) is heated by the sun's radiation, the surface rotating away from the sun will be warmer than the surface rotating into sunlight.『32words』

