

1、Huey suffered from ailurophobia.『4words』

2、Domestic firms also suffered.『4words』

3、They suffered dreadful injuries.『4words』

4、Garrison suffered minor injuries.『4words』

5、my wife suffered terribly.『4words』



6、Sales, profits and morale suffered.『5words』

7、He suffered much in consequence.『5words』

8、Enemy troops suffered heavy losses.『5words』

9、Our regiment suffered heavy casualties.『5words』

10、Many passengers suffered broken bones.『5words』



11、I suffered from insomnia/sleeplessness yesterday.『5words』

12、She suffered from a weak heart.『6words』

13、Anacharsis suffered death for his crime.『6words』

14、On one side, however, he suffered intensely.『7words』

15、Britain had just suffered a sterling devaluation.『7words』

16、After her operation she suffered from general debility.『8words』

17、Obviously suffered inhumane circumstances for these several years.『8words』

18、Otherwise, the pump will quickly overheat, suffered serious damage.『9words』

19、The company suffered huge losses in the last financial year.『10words』

20、Many resort areas have suffered a sharp loss of business.『10words』



21、“Many have suffered for talking, none ever suffered for keeping silence"『11words』

22、Of these, 209 had recently suffered an asthma exacerbation and 77 had stable disease.『14words』

23、pic.4: Sunbed horror: Kirsty McRae suffered 70 per cent burns after using Hadley's unmanned salon『15words』

24、Province in October last year, suffered a heavy rain floods, water seafood export processing enterprises suffered serious losses.『18words』

25、Those who have suffered, know how to cherish, those who have suffered losses, and prevent them from being deceived.『19words』

26、But neither America, which was downgraded in 2011, or France, which suffered a similar fate last year, have suffered much.『20words』

27、The definition of happiness is very simple for those who have suffered, and those who have suffered can grasp happiness more quickly.『22words』

28、The little boy suffered not only from the hardships she had suffered, but also from discrimination from outsiders. He did not even have the chance to read.『27words』

29、A few days ago, another report was received that you sent troops again, causing disasters along the border. Changsha suffered a lot, while Nanjun suffered even more.『27words』

30、Those who have not suffered are apt to be blind, those who have not suffered, those who do not understand the warmth and the cold, those who have not suffered, cannot see through human feelings.『35words』

