

1、OK. Let's watch cartoons.『4words』

2、unshaded drawings resembling cartoons.『4words』

3、I'm interested in cartoons.『4words』

4、Jack loves cartoons best.『4words』

5、amused at the cartoons『4words』



6、That's why I draw cartoons.『5words』

7、Chinese cartoons are all shits.『5words』

8、I love cartoons so much.『5words』

9、Can I watch cartoons tonight?『5words』

10、She ran mad about cartoons.『5words』



11、The cartoons have become very popular.『6words』

12、Danish newspapers reprinted the cartoons in February.『7words』

13、Xiaoling: : Your hobby is drawing cartoons.『7words』

14、I'd like a VCD of American cartoons.『7words』

15、Sometimes cartoons carry more wallop than an article.『8words』

16、It's dark gree, with some cartoons on it.『8words』

17、Tabloid newspapers immediately began commissioning cartoons of Frankenbunnies.『8words』

18、The company syndicates cartoons to newspapers across the country.『9words』

19、Mr Fogh Rasmussen has declined to apologise for the cartoons.『10words』

20、Batman nand Spiderman are two of the most famous American cartoons.『11words』



21、Now a miniscule part of the magazine is devoted to comedy, apart from the cartoons.『15words』

22、This scene is both pulpy and primal; the very stuff of kids' fantasies and cartoons.『15words』

23、Bob Mankoff, who selects the cartoons for the magazine, selected the cartoons for this book, too.『16words』

24、You can find classic examples of dystopian fiction in comics, short stories, novels, cartoons and movies.『16words』

25、He hooked a thumb over his shoulder, toward the back room where the kids watched cartoons.『16words』

26、And, in the Northwest, David Horsey of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer in Washington state was honored for his editorial cartoons.『19words』

27、Consequently, the American markets for these cartoons dried up in the early ’70s, and discouraged distributors dumped their cartoons on Japanese-language cable channels.『23words』

28、But in recent years, TV cartoons have been declining in viewership. This is largely due to the fact most Chinese cartoons are targeted only at children.『26words』

29、According to Matthew Diffee's book of unpublished New Yorker cartoons, the Rejection Collection, there are about 50 regular New Yorker cartoonists who submit 10 cartoons each week.『27words』

30、At last, he contrasts Chinese cartoons with foreign ones from their respective survival and actual situation and points out deficiencies of Chinese cartoons and its own laws of production and market.『31words』

