

1、damaged well productivity『3words』

2、FUNDING markets are damaged.『4words』

3、partially damaged by fire『4words』

4、The offside was damaged.『4words』

5、My suitcase is badly damaged.『5words』



6、Your hair is really damaged.『5words』

7、Archive file damaged (buffer error).『5words』

8、broken and damaged cargo record『5words』

9、worn or damaged by age『5words』

10、Rend tubules and interstitial tissue were damaged.『7words』



11、Prune away any broken or damaged roots.『7words』

12、The damaged aircraft plummeted down to earth.『7words』

13、The car was damaged by rough usage.『7words』

14、The emergency diesel generators have been damaged.『7words』

15、Many are, and most are therefore gravely damaged.『8words』

16、This caused some compliant equipment to be damaged.『8words』

17、Could getting a pacemaker have damaged my vagus nerve?『9words』

18、A container might be inadvertently renamed, moved, or damaged.『9words』

19、They were easily damaged and susceptible to a fungal growth.『10words』

20、Submarine pipelines constructed in seismically active regions may be damaged under seismic load.『13words』



21、Some trees fail down, some cars were damaged and some houses were damaged, too.『14words』

22、Nine thousand people are crowded the camp on the grounds of a damaged school.『14words』

23、Although the castle has been damaged, only a small part of it has been damaged.『15words』

24、Within 24 hours, granulation tissue forms to fill in areas damaged or removed from the body.『16words』

25、Some 10,000 to 15,000 buildings were damaged in the earthquake, with some cultural relics in this region also damaged.『19words』

26、Equipment, c to replace or repair the damaged parts: the parts of the next, if damaged beyond repair, change the new.『21words』

27、The important influence factors for the damaged starch contents of wheat flour were studied through respectively determining the damaged starch contents of the samples.『24words』

28、In non-dipper group patients, sympathetic nerve damaged during daytime. And both sympathetic nerves and vagus nerves of patients in Non-dipper group damaged at night.『24words』

29、When the information system is damaged, the organization will find ways to recover the damaged part and not allow competitors to take advantage of it.『25words』

30、Examine all parts and replace any damaged or worn components with new replacement parts. If the body is damaged, we recommend replacing the entire valve cartridge.『26words』

