

1、self-scanned image sensor『3words』

2、electron scanned complex detector『4words』

3、View the scanned file.『4words』

4、scanned laser infrared microscope『4words』

5、electronically scanned optical tracker『4words』



6、The officer scanned the room.『5words』

7、The voyagers scanned the shore.『5words』

8、Tom scanned the prisoners curiously.『5words』

9、We scanned the human genome.『5words』

10、Huck scanned his own clothing forlornly.『6words』



11、Not Helen — she who had scanned.『7words』

12、He scanned the horizon, looking for land.『7words』

13、the manufacturer will save the scanned information.『7words』

14、 He scanned the horizon, looking for land.『8words』

15、A fire lookout scanned the hills with binoculars.『8words』

16、He scanned the headlines of the evening paper.『8words』

17、Text and pictures can be scanned into the computer.『9words』

18、He scanned the horizon for any sign of land.『9words』

19、Then the researchers scanned subjects while showing them new snapshots.『10words』

20、I instrumented the server source code to obtain the packets scanned counter.『12words』



21、The researchers then re-scanned each participant's brain, looking specifically at GABA levels.『12words』

22、Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.『13words』

23、The Paper studied and concluded some general ways of scanned topographical map Image pretreatment.『14words』

24、Methods:In 686 cases of NPC confirmed by pathology, all nasopharynx had scanned and analyzed.『14words』

25、The DB2 Optimizer is data-partition aware, and only relevant data partitions are scanned during query execution.『16words』

26、If the property is unspecified, the entire persistence.xml is scanned to identify all unique logical slice identifiers.『17words』

27、Although a stack must be scanned atomically, it would be difficult to keep determinism if all stacks were scanned during a single quantum.『23words』

28、Particularly with image thinning and imagebackground shadow filtering, a practical tool for scanned image processing ispresented with the support of experiment with contour map scanned images.『26words』

29、While most conventional airborne radars rely on some form of mechanically scanned antenna to transmit and receive signals, active electronically scanned array (AESA) sensors employ a fixed aperture.『28words』

30、After the first table has been scanned and placed in a hash table, the second table is scanned and each row in the table is looked up in the hash table to see if a join can be made.『39words』

