

1、deposits and withdrawals『3words』

2、Limestone deposits are prevalent.『4words』

3、business of taking deposits『4words』

4、recent deposits of alluvium『4words』

5、withdraw deposits in large amounts『5words』



6、Fat deposits were laid down.『5words』

7、mineral deposits, resources, wealth, etc.『5words』

8、Almost all Eurocurrencies are time deposits.『6words』

9、Loans...... + 9,000 Borrower deposits... + 9,000.『7words』

10、 We are digging for mineral deposits.『7words』



11、Banks are also competing fiercely for deposits.『7words』

12、To explore for mineral deposits or oil.『7words』

13、Some areas are blanketed by superficial deposits.『7words』

14、Transaction deposits are themodern counterpart of bank notes.『8words』

15、turnover of demand deposits among private and public deposits『9words』

16、Some alluvial deposits are a rich source of diamonds.『9words』

17、There are ways to offset the higher costs of deposits.『10words』

18、Many bauxite deposits have been found in past geological exploration.『10words』

19、the development of Alaskan resources; the exploitation of copper deposits.『10words』

20、Within the newly increased savings and deposits, fixed-period deposits accounted for 72.15%.『12words』



21、The deep-water in situ deposits and deep-water allogene deposits develop flysch rhythmic sequences.『13words』

22、The interest rate for term deposits is much higher than for current deposits.『13words』

23、Someone in the role of kid has permission to specify deposits, but not to authorize deposits.『16words』

24、Sedimentation-diagenesis deposits mainly formed during late Sinian to Cambrian period, such as Bingtongshan PbZn deposits and Aozigang deposits.『18words』

25、Formic acid efficiently dissolves and removes calcium based deposits, as well as rust, scale and iron oxide deposits.『18words』

26、The various types of glaciolacustrine deposits are as follow: beach deposits, shallow-water deposits, still-water deposits and glacio-fluvial delta deposits.『19words』

27、The types of deposits basically are differential metasomatism in the later magma, pneumatolytic hydrothermal process, pegmatite process, residual deposits and placer deposits.『22words』

28、The Dongdacun Formation consists in ascending order of alluvial fan debris flow deposits, barrier-free clastic littoral deposits and shallow-water carbonate platform tidal-flat deposits.『23words』

29、Braid delta systems mainly consist of braid river deposits in delta plain facies, rapid accumulation deposits, slump deposits and turbidites in delta front and prodelta facies.『26words』

30、Most of the joint-stock Banks deposits of individuals less than 10% of total depositsdeposits stability is poor, the cost always remain at a high level.『26words』

