

1、He's declared socialist.『3words』

2、He's a declared atheist.『4words』

3、They had declared for peace.『5words』

4、The company was declared insolvent.『5words』

5、The contract was declared void.『5words』



6、All income must be declared.『5words』

7、The roof was declared unsafe.『5words』

8、Governor declared the state of emergency.『6words』

9、The company has been declared insolvent.『6words』

10、Her behavior declared her an innocent girl.『7words』



11、and a snow emergency has been declared.『7words』

12、Le cashflow is not enough, he declared.『7words』

13、Isn't the field declared to be a val?『8words』

14、their declared and their covert objectives; a declared liberal.『9words』

15、The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.『9words』

16、Gov. Deval Patrick declared Gates’ arrest “every black man’s nightmare.”『10words』

17、Various fonts are declared as static constants in this class.『10words』

18、The mortgagor has been declared bankrupt or has been canceled;『10words』

19、Collection of declared namespaces and qualifier strings declared by this schema.『11words』

20、The mutex object must be declared; once declared, it must be initialized.『12words』



21、The MSDN documentation for List says that the class is declared as.『12words』

22、Fallback To declared type - use declared type if xsi: type is unknown.『13words』

23、Array declared as for loop control variable cannot be declared with an initial size.『14words』

24、Just as variables must be declared before they are used, a function must be declared before it is called.『19words』

25、Baggage declared value can not exceed the value of the contents. The maximum baggage declared value is 8000 yuan.『19words』

26、Variables that are not declared in any block and are declared at the same level as functions are static.『19words』

27、On the same day Belgium declared its neutrality and President Roosevelt, in a fireside chat, declared the U. S. to be neutral.『22words』

28、If the variable wasn't declared in any block, its scope is from the place it was declared to the end of the file.『23words』

29、In this case, each relationship is declared as a reference to two roles, each of which is declared inside the element for that EJB.『24words』

30、“Force majeure includes, but is not limited to, strike in general, embargo, acts of government, riots, war, whether declared or not declared, mobilization and requisition, fires, floods"『27words』

