

1、Peanut Butter flavor『3words』

2、orange flavor biscuit『3words』

3、inflated foods (original flavor)『4words』

4、Having an unappealing, bitter flavor.『5words』

5、To make bitter in flavor.『5words』



6、shredded meats (original, spicy flavor)『5words』

7、They are honey peach flavor.『5words』

8、The flavor of these nuts.『5words』

9、ResultSet processing in functional flavor (select3.jy)『6words』

10、These sardines have a tinny flavor.『6words』



11、Add lime for flavor and enjoy.『6words』

12、having been given flavor (as by seasoning).『7words』

13、Pulp orange bright beautiful, silty and flavor.『7words』

14、Tossed salad retains its original taste and flavor.『8words』

15、“Global flavor" remains the restaurant's guiding philosophy, he said.『9words』

16、Styles, Characteristics & Technical Points of Baotuquan Sesame-flavor Liquor『9words』

17、We eagerly suck the memories the 35 piquant flavor evokes.『10words』

18、Dennis could taste the familiar metallic flavor of his rage.『10words』

19、Investigation on the Separation of Microbes in Luzhou-flavor Fermented Grains and Luzhou-flavor Distiller's Grains『14words』

20、Introduction of the Concept of Maotai-flavor Functional Bacteria to Investigate the Formation of Maotai-flavor『14words』



21、Based on xifeng liquor, Fen-flavor &Luzhou-flavor liquor and Fen-flavor &Luzhou-flavor &Maotai-flavor liquors were developed successfully.『15words』

22、It is classified into "elegant" Luzhou-flavor liquor and "mellow" Luzhou-flavor liquor according to its taste.『15words』

23、Flavorings Synthetic flavor compounds, natural flavor extracts, and fruit juice concentrates are used to flavor soft drinks.『17words』

24、Certain flavor compounds give you a nice caramel flavor, whereas others give you a burnt or bitter taste.『18words』

25、And he chose the flavor peppermint, which is similar to the flavor of Hyssop in the Old Testament.『18words』

26、Baotuquan sesame-flavor liquor, belonging to fragrant sesame-flavor liquor, has elegant aroma, mellow and full taste and typical sesame-flavor styles.『19words』

27、Nowadays, duck meat rolls are made of layers of flavor. They do not have any flavor. They are very fragrant.『20words』

28、It has a series taste of sour and hot flavor, hot-pot flavor, pickles flavor, mushroom chicken flavor, Hongshao beef flavor and seafood flavor.『23words』

29、An artificial fruit flavor made from synthetic flavor compounds and natural flavor extracts may contain over two dozen components contributing several hundred distinct compounds.『24words』

30、The optimum conditions was obtained. After centrifugation, pressing, mucor inoculation, dehydration and flavor adjustment, the flavor cheese was obtained, which was of good color, flavor and smell.『27words』

