

1、No, the farmers responded.『4words』

2、Most farmers alternate crops.『4words』

3、My grandparents are farmers.『4words』

4、Where do the farmers work?『5words』

5、Arable farmers are struggling, too.『5words』



6、Autumn comes with farmers' laughter.『5words』

7、the slack season for farmers『5words』

8、This is many farmers plaint and doubt.『7words』

9、The farmers are irrigating the arid land.『7words』

10、Some 9,000 farmers sell the brewer sorghum.『7words』



11、Some farmers believe current cultivation methods inadequate.『7words』

12、Why worry about the needs of farmers『7words』

13、The local farmers all looked pretty badly off.『8words』

14、Pension plan for farmers is a historic change.『8words』

15、The farmers say plants like this are almost dead.『9words』

16、Later they were worn by Swiss workers and farmers.『9words』

17、Some African farmers now use ploughs instead of hoes.『9words』

18、She says women farmers have fewer resources than male farmers.『10words』

19、Transformation of Farmers into “Non”-farmers in the Process of Urbanization;『10words』

20、Farmers who planted fertilizer trees reported double the maize production of other farmers.『13words』



21、To study the problem of farmers should focus on how to enlarge farmers 'employment.『14words』

22、On the Relationship between Farmers and the Farmland and the Resolution of Landless-farmers Problems;『14words』

23、Some French farmers suggest that the Government pension off the older and less efficient farmers(E.J. Dionne, Jr.)『17words』

24、Try contacting local farmers, checking out a farmers market or even growing food in your own yard.『17words』

25、Some farmers in Cambodia are disenchanted with their leaders when it comes to helping farmers improve their crops.『18words』

26、Developing garden economy is an effective way to train new farmers, transfer surplus countryside labor and enrich farmers.『18words』

27、Therefore, Chinese farmers, including tenant farmers, should not only be rewarded as labors in general, but also rewarded as entrepreneurs.『20words』

28、This paper analyzes the rights of landless farmers violated, pointing out that the farmers property rights ambiguity caused damage to the farmers land rights.『24words』

29、The living standard of farmers has been raised continuously. The majority of farmers have enough food and clothing and quite a few farmers are well-off.『25words』

30、Many powerful households have plundered the land of farmers, but the burden of taxation is still on the landless farmers, causing a large number of farmers to flee.『28words』

