

1、muttered Tom fiercely.『3words』

2、Winona is fiercely patriotic.『4words』

3、Depraved customs Blaze fiercely『4words』

4、The sun is shining fiercely『5words』

5、They argued him down fiercely.『5words』



6、The aircraft was burning fiercely.『5words』

7、She turned on him fiercely.『5words』

8、The 2001 election was fiercely contested.『6words』

9、Printer manufacturers compete fiercely on price.『6words』

10、Zinjibar is still being fiercely fought over.『7words』



11、Friends and neighbors fiercely protected his privacy.『7words』

12、The Scythians were a fiercely warlike people.『7words』

13、He has always been ambitious and fiercely competitive.『8words』

14、The storm blew fiercely over land and sea.『8words』

15、Those who complain too fiercely online are locked away.『9words』

16、Sometimes it burns fiercely and other times it's relatively calm.『10words』

17、The value of this kind of assistance is fiercely debated.『10words』

18、The harsh desert environs of Klatooine resulted in a fiercely tenacious species.『12words』

19、Blizzard, come on, fiercelyfiercely, wipe out all the pests in the world.『13words』

20、I could scarcely catch my breath, so fiercely was I impelled through the heavens.『14words』



21、He seemed very excited and his eyes and teeth flashed fiercely in the candlelight.『14words』

22、 Li Huiquan turned slowly, her tearful eyes glowed fiercely, and the woman was shocked.『15words』

23、The tide, which had been running so fiercely up the river, was sluggish as it turned.『16words』

24、But can taking a "zero-salary" job really give job-seekers an edge in the fiercely competitive job market?『17words』

25、The competition in the so-called 'Light Passenger' class is as fiercely contested as any State of Origin decider.『18words』

26、“Too many good men died that day." Tyrion's scar was itching fiercely. He picked at it with a fingernail.『19words』

27、Other come the band glaring at fiercely to grab job woollen cloth with them where to still having a chance?『20words』

28、One night, the dog barked fiercely and waked Mei and Hong. Hong came out and saw a figure flash away.『20words』

29、Having fiercely contested many of his daughter's claims and pleaded not guilty to murder and enslavement on Monday, he is suddenly confessing to everything.『24words』

30、The stream of bicycles divided to flow around them swiftly, and the sound of bicycle bells behind him was deafening. Just try.... he thought fiercely, striding along.『27words』

