

1、replantation of severed limb『4words』

2、a severed limb, artery『4words』

3、rejoin the severed limb『4words』

4、Are you being severed『4words』

5、Their connections were severed.『4words』



6、He severed connection with Tom.『5words』

7、plastic bag for severed limb『5words』

8、A bulldozer had severed a gas main.『7words』

9、His hand was severed from his arm.『7words』

10、Don't use these for a severed finger.『7words』



11、She severed the rope with a knife.『7words』

12、The two countries have severed their relations.『7words』

13、Two severed heads were found at the scene.『8words』

14、Phone and electricity lines were severed in the storm.『9words』

15、His arm is severed from the body in the accident.『10words』

16、The doctor said I'd severed a vessel in my leg.『10words』

17、His arm was severed from his body in the accident.『10words』

18、“His head was nearly severed from his body" (H. G. Wells).『11words』

19、Davy Jones: Ah. Love. A dreadful bond. And yet, so easily severed.『12words』

20、It was, in my grandfather's own words, like having a limb severed off.『13words』



21、Saint Ebba had not only severed her nose, she had also severed her lip.『14words』

22、The road ahead was partly severed in some places by fissures from the earthquake.『14words』

23、Elizabeth wrote that a doughboy was a sweet fruit severed to Navy man on ships.『15words』

24、These passengers say brothers, sisters and relatives will be able to re-establish bonds that were severed.『16words』

25、The amount of RTV used was basically just enough to paint one side of each severed piece.『17words』

26、Translated: "I have actually severed a limb but will bleed to death before I admit that I'm hurt."『18words』

27、Objective: To provide anatomical data of the third toe sectional area for anatomy and replantation of severed toes.『18words』

28、The severed fluid may form a drop or may form an unstable ligament which will later break up into drops.『20words』

29、The export rebate rate for wheat flour, maize (corn) flour, severed ducks, severed rabbits and other goods as listed in Annex 2 is raised from 5% to 13%.『28words』

30、Group d, the tibial nerve was severed, the proximal end of it was sutured end to side with the windowed trunk of the distal part of the severed peroneal nerve.『30words』

