

1、stored magnetic energy『3words』

2、stored program control switching『4words』

3、Specifying the stored format『4words』

4、Complete the stored procedure.『4words』

5、Define a new stored procedure.『5words』



6、Information must be stored manually.『5words』

7、All files are stored locally.『5words』

8、The memory stored these images.『5words』

9、Film stored in lightproof containers.『5words』

10、Each stored procedure requires two parameters.『6words』



11、Squirrels stored nuts for the winter.『6words』

12、The hay stored in a hayloft.『6words』

13、Convert the UDF to a stored procedure.『7words』

14、Error executing extended stored procedure: Invalid Parameter.『7words』

15、Thus, you have stored it in ./src/servlets/.『7words』

16、All data is stored in a relational database.『8words』

17、Access to Oracle and Sybase stored procedures through federation『9words』

18、The audio data will be stored in this file.『9words』

19、Documents and Web content are stored in the JCR.『9words』

20、The Stored Procedure Resolver encountered the following error executing the stored procedure '%1'. %2『14words』



21、Advance developed green stored grain project, we must popularize biological controlling of stored grain insects.『15words』

22、For example, a stored procedure can call other stored procedures, or a stored procedure can access multiple tables.『18words』

23、Each file stored on the LUN has the file owner and group stored as UID and GID Numbers.『18words』

24、The scope of savepoints set inside a stored procedure is restricted to the individual execution of the stored procedure.『19words』

25、Instead of your messages being stored on an internal server behind a corporate firewall, they are stored on Google's servers.『20words』

26、Digital information is stored in a holographic material in much the same way that pictures are stored in traditional holograms.『20words』

27、Persistent messages are always stored to some form of persistent data store, while non-persistent messages are generally stored in volatile memory.『21words』

28、The JDBC application returned these as a ResultSet object from either the federated stored procedure or the remote native stored procedure.『21words』

29、It is easy to create SQL stored procedures, so for each stored procedure with INOUT and OUT parameters, you can create a wrapper stored procedure.『25words』

30、Coastal waters, coastal sea is a maritime climate, Oceans to absorb heat slowly, the large amount of heat stored during the day to absorb stored heat at night to release the stored heat.『33words』

