

1、cold turkey method『3words』

2、Taste Ellen's turkey dressing.『4words』

3、Do you like turkey『4words』

4、They associate turkey with Thanksgiving.『5words』

5、We have turkey at Christmas.『5words』



6、Do you want some turkey『5words』

7、swell like a turkey cock『5words』

8、People eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.『6words』

9、That movie was a real turkey.『6words』

10、The turkey struts about (the barnyard).『6words』



11、People cook turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.『6words』

12、He compares it to turkey on Thanksgiving.『7words』

13、Were there any turkey slices in the sandwich?『8words』

14、Their food was venison, wilder turkey, and fish.『8words』

15、I feel capable of eating a whole turkey .『9words』

16、I ordered a turkey breast sandwich with the works.『9words』

17、I'm tired of this nonsense. Make him talk turkey.『9words』

18、That 's right—turkey and all the trimmings outdoors in the open.『11words』

19、Imaging how you both feel if she fixed the turkey dinner or something.『13words』

20、Being turkeys the day before the Thanksgiving holiday when Americans traditionally eat Turkey.『13words』



21、Key to any Thanksgiving Day menu is a fat turkey and cranberry sauce.『13words』

22、The traditional Thanksgiving meal includes a turkey filled with bread and cooked with turkey.『14words』

23、but Davy would make the male turkey think a female turkey was waiting for him.『15words』

24、Also, the basic training of their pilots will make it a turkey shoot for our pilots.『16words』

25、So Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, Ducky-daddles, Goosey-goosey, and Turkey-turkey all went to tell the King the sky was a-falling.『17words』

26、The Worlds largest turkey sits just off Route 10, Frazee, MN (Map), also known as the turkey capital of the world.『21words』

27、Of course, you can always add Tofurkey (turkey-flavored tofu) or another meat substitute for the non-carnivores and turkey-pardoners of the group.『21words』

28、Sometimes a great turkey can really hit the spot. A freshly cooked Turkey with potatoes, corn, carrots, peas, now that's a quality meal my friends.『25words』

29、Today's traditional dinner of turkey mashed potatoes green bean casserole cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie is mainly the result of a strong advertising campaign by turkey producers.『27words』

30、Turkey tacos and turkey curry and a turkey sandwich with a poetic Italian sauce are the flavors of ascending honor, of cooks striving to make the world new.『28words』

