

1、space-borne computer『2words』

2、vector-borne disease『2words』

3、balloon-borne infrared spectrometer『3words』

4、rocket-borne infrared mapper『3words』

5、a tick - borne disease.『5words』



6、She has borne a boy.『5words』

7、New scheme of ship-borne IRSTS『5words』

8、The project has borne some fruit.『6words』

9、The lichens came borne by storms.『6words』

10、This could not be borne many seconds.『7words』



11、Each observer's prediction has been borne out.『7words』

12、The terrible truth was eventually borne in onhim.『8words』

13、Etiological detection of a food borne cholera outbreak『8words』

14、Two other points should be borne in mind.『8words』

15、For now this is all borne out of optimism.『9words』

16、Preparation of high gloss water-borne PU and water-borne wood coatings『10words』

17、The cost of which is borne by an identified sponsor.『10words』

18、Dirty air or air-borne garbage causes stinging eyes and running nose.『11words』

19、The dual-frequency and dual-polarization microstrip antenna for space-borne SAR application is presented.『12words』

20、It calculates which costs are borne by city dwellers and which by suburbanites.『13words』



21、Insect-borne diseases imperil humans and animals, and there are many mosquito-borne diseases with complicated manifestations.『15words』

22、Water-borne diseases had a much looser grip on the Japanese population than those in Britain.『15words』

23、As feathers became larger over time, flapping flight evolved and birds finally became fully air-borne.『15words』

24、The brunt is being borne by America, but there are grieving families in countries across the coalition.『17words』

25、Soil borne diseases are difficultly controlled due to the pathogens which could survive in soil for many years.『18words』

26、HIV is not an airborne, water-borne or food-borne virus, and does not survive for very long outside the human body.『20words』

27、Our sector has good evidence about what droughts, floods, storms, heatwaves, air pollution, malnutrition, displaced populations, and water-borne and vector-borne diseases mean for health.『24words』

28、In order to improve design safety and reliability on ship-borne device, dynamic character of a ship-borne device was simulated based on sea state excitation.『24words』

29、Conclusion A few tick-borne pathogens exist in Tibet with lower risk of human infectioon, however we should prevent cross-border spread of tick-borne infectious diseases.『24words』

30、Objective to investigate the rat density in different habitats and the prevalence of major rodent-borne diseases in Nanchang, and to assess the risks of occurrence of rodent-borne diseases.『28words』

