

1、excess-3 representation『2words』

2、excess-fifty representation『2words』

3、What about excess baggage?『4words』

4、drink [smoke] to excess『4words』

5、excess demand in dynamics『4words』



6、to shed excess labor force『5words』

7、Liposuction removes only excess fat.『5words』

8、excess limitation on tax credit『5words』

9、Fashions often end in excess.『5words』

10、There's no excess thermal energy.『5words』



11、an excess of exports (over imports)『6words』

12、You've got6 kilos of excess baggage.『6words』

13、an excess of expenditures over revenues.『6words』

14、What's the rate for excess baggage?『6words』

15、May also be due to excess heat.『7words』

16、Do I have to pay excess baggage charges?『8words』

17、To produce in excess of need or demand.『8words』

18、There is massive excess capacity in technology today.『8words』

19、We will accelerate adjustments in industries with excess capacity.『9words』

20、PCOS mainly characterizes androgen excess along with chronic anovulatory.『9words』



21、It's not excess of love we regret at death's door, it's excess of severity.『14words』

22、Bleached food, excess of starch or excess of white bread can lead to nerve grating effect.『16words』

23、The excess of liberty, whether in states or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery.『17words』

24、Mr Sarkozy, a satirist's delight, once declared that he preferred "an excess of caricature to an excess of censorship".『19words』

25、Then, after the market demand the market equilibrium is showed on the following, which contains the excess supply and excess demand.『21words』

26、As a physical pretreatment process of excess sludge reduction and resource recovery technology, the solubilization effects of HSRD upon excess sludge were investigated.『23words』

27、The media reaction has been telling: Hummer, an all-American symbol of excess, is not welcome here, reflecting China's growing disenchantment with American - style excess.『25words』

28、Excess-burden calculations typically assume no other distortions. If other distortions exist, the incremental excess burden of a new tax depends on its effects in other markets.『26words』

29、In the aspect of excess revenue, the in-sample has great excess returns, the out-sample has negative excess returns, which have shown no market efficiency in China's futures market.『28words』

30、The "five excesses" consist of an excess of assignments, an excess of meetings and training courses, an excess of documents, written reports and statistical forms, an excess of organizations, and an excess of side jobs for activists.『37words』

