

1、You're probably right.『3words』

2、Alas, probably not.『3words』

3、Well, you're probably right.『4words』

4、It'll probably be OK.『4words』

5、Your booking was probably late.『5words』



6、Saturn probably swallowed it up.『5words』

7、You probably get the picture.『5words』

8、It's probably nearly dinner time."『5words』

9、These characteristics are probably inherited.『5words』

10、Any backsliding would probably damage morale.『6words』



11、As a result, Itanium is probably doomed.『7words』

12、You'll tire yourself out and probably drown.『7words』

13、Policymakers will probably end up doing this.『7words』

14、The thing is: he probably is innocent.『7words』

15、He probably doesn't hold a grudge against Russell.『8words』

16、You probably know at least one person who snores.『9words』

17、DFL was probably one of components of metabolic syndrome.『9words』

18、If someone interrupts you, you will probably forget the number.『10words』

19、Apart from that, same discourse probably leads to different ideals.『10words』

20、SYLVIA: Well, probably. Probably you will have to wait in line if you don't have tickets.『16words』



21、This is probably this probably consumes 30 watts, 30 joules per second is my rough guess.『16words』

22、Therefore, there probably were grizzly bears in Labrador, and the explorer's account probably accurately identified the bear.『17words』

23、And it's probably slanted in the direction of the 2m, so it will probably be somewhere here.『17words』

24、Probably the Italian Vogue shoot. The runway shoot probably would have been my favorite if I hadn't fallen.『18words』

25、Then that probably fine. I mean, look up some people, but you also probably won't put up your cellphone.『19words』

26、Of the older moulds one was probably over 150 years old and the other one probably dated to the 1810s.『20words』

27、He probably hasn't taken a shower in a couple days-probably not since the last ho he banged from the bar.『20words』

28、And if you take all animals together, we probably share less than 30, 000 and probably maybe a dozen or more thousand different gene families.『25words』

29、Probably this might be the reason why we human are the most developed of all living species on the earth, and probably also in the universe.『26words』

30、Sales of existing US homes probably dropped 13% to 4.65 million annually while US new home sales probably stagnated at an annual pace of 330,000 due tomorrow.『27words』

