

1、I like your beard.『4words』

2、His beard is black.『4words』

3、This is his beard.『4words』

4、I have a long beard.『5words』

5、Tom likes stroking his beard.『5words』



6、My pretty little romantic beard『5words』

7、Those crumbs fell off his beard.『6words』

8、His beard was under the quilt.『6words』

9、having a small pointed chin beard.『6words』

10、He didn't dare to beard his superior.『7words』



11、Charles decided to shave off his beard.『7words』

12、Blake got his beard trimmed at the barber.『8words』

13、Why don' t you shave off your beard『8words』

14、The goblin twisted his beard around his finger again.『9words』

15、He is bald, tall and thin, and has a beard.『10words』

16、At the very beginning, Stan's beard was under the quilt.『10words』

17、Make Euro Disney More European Does Mickey Mouse have a beard『11words』

18、Stan listened to his wife's advice to cut the beard off.『11words』

19、Shaving off his beard created a dramatic change in his appearance.『11words』

20、The old man listened and stroked his beard like a dried corn beard.『13words』



21、The rich man had a blue beard: so he was called "Blue Beard".『13words』

22、Use the trimmer to easily tighten up your beard, mustache, goatee and neckline.『13words』

23、Not to mention that big beardbeard like a halberd, always make people feel murderous.『15words』

24、Ginger Jack's face was hidden behind a bristly orange beard, and his speech was unintelligible.『15words』

25、he had a beard, not very, you know, not very bushy beard, but he had a beard.『17words』

26、“Look at him," said she; "his beard is like an old mop; he shall be called Grisly-beard."『17words』

27、Blue beard came to the door of the house. The door opened and blue beard caught Fatima's arm.『18words』

28、A commander who had a beard and a beard for some time had a birthday celebration, and I had a 50 Fen reward.『23words』

29、Sikhs are tall, magnificent, like to grow a beard, long beard, elegant, lifelong not shave hair, hair will be coiled into a bun, pressed under the colorful wrapped towel.『29words』

30、The dwarf jumped from one side of the tree trunk to the other and tried to pull out his beard in desperation, but the beard was still stuck in the crack.『31words』

