

1、commute one's pension『3words』

2、commute a death sentence『4words』

3、commute comfort for hardship『4words』

4、weekday meetings;a weekday commute.『4words』

5、We say that ??and ??commute.『5words』



6、commute into a lump sum『5words』

7、I have no commute time.『5words』

8、These operators commute with each other.『6words』

9、He can commute pain for pleasure.『6words』

10、So how long is your commute『6words』



11、a 22 - mile commute;an easy commute.『7words』

12、commute with payment in place of labor『7words』

13、commute an annuity into a lump sum『7words』

14、Most office work ers commute from the suburbs.『8words』

15、Logic and arithmetic do not commute before breakfast.『8words』

16、But if that's too much of a commute, try Eastbourne.『10words』

17、If you please, I should like to commute the preaching.『10words』

18、Monster commute: my commute is the worst part of my day.『11words』

19、With these principles in mind, Obama should commute Pollard's sentence to time served.『13words』

20、5pm – 6pm - End of the work day and the commute home『13words』



21、New Yorkers could look forward to a commute shared with hummingbirds and mourning doves—not rats.『15words』

22、No matter how you commute, you can always take advantage of the time you have.『15words』

23、People might be more open to a longer daily commute, leading to even more urban sprawl.『16words』

24、MICHAEL We do everything as a twosome, from sharing our commute to working out to eating lunch.『17words』

25、I believe it would be better for residents to commute to work and preserve the peace of our neighborhood.『19words』

26、Nothing in this ordinance shall affect any power vested in the chief executive to pardon offences or commute penalties.『19words』

27、I know artists who use commute time to meditate and reflect on themselves, which is another interesting strategy to try.『20words』

28、Continue doing a lesson a day. You can do these on your commute or while you exercise to save time.『20words』

29、Many of us then commute to our jobs, which puts additional stress on us due to traffic, or mass transit crowd, or just the frustration of "wasted" time.『28words』

30、The average commute time for Riverside County residents is in excess of an hour a day, with many resident spending well over an hour each way to commute to work.『30words』

