

1、Paul argued with people.『4words』

2、He argued with deadly logic.『5words』

3、He argued his thesis well.『5words』

4、They argued away yesterday afternoon.『5words』

5、He argued against the plan.『5words』



6、He argued his case forcefully.『5words』

7、He argued with her about trifle.『6words』

8、He argued very plausibly for its acceptance.『7words』

9、He argued against the use of anesthetics.『7words』

10、Columbus argued that the world was round.『7words』



11、“They argued from history," continued the Rat.『7words』

12、Critics, however, argued that the rules were too lax.『9words』

13、Argued for dismissal of the case;argued against an immediate counterattack.『10words』

14、Meldrum's defense argued that his story was published in Britain.『10words』

15、In court filings, they argued that the settlement was inadequate.『10words』

16、One day, they argued for a bagatelle of their children.『10words』

17、Darija, its editors argued, is polyglot Morocco's real national language.『10words』

18、Advocates argued that this showed that microcredit helped increase school enrolment.『11words』

19、He argued, but his wife argued too, and she talked him down.『12words』

20、That case is Bowman vs. Monsanto, which is being argued on Tuesday.『12words』



21、It argued that the Act properly applied to the leak of confidential police information.『14words』

22、He argued that the fundamental problem with mathematical economics was that it was tautological.『14words』

23、However, some argued the suggestion was a practical one considering the rising costs of dining out.『16words』

24、They argued about the hound that evening, and as they argued Stapleton told her about Mrs Lyons.『17words』

25、In addition, it could be argued that the practice of interpreting or "reading" each medium follows different conventions.『18words』

26、It is argued that further research on foreign elements, structure and their variation of sillimanite would be worthwhile.『18words』

27、A university student, surnamed Ye, argued that the time limit was too strict as everyone has different habits.『18words』

28、John Geanakoplos of Yale University has argued for special federal trustees, empowered to insist on modifying or foreclosing impaired loans.『20words』

29、Better said than done, better done, better done, better done, better done, better helped than happy, helpful than good to the beneficiaries around.『23words』

30、Even though it has been argued that bad scents invoke negative judgments, we argued and demonstrated that a bad body odour elicits feelings of pity in others.『27words』

