

1、You're overly opinionated.『3words』

2、Don't be overly ambitious.『4words』

3、I'm not overly tired.『4words』

4、It can be overly complex.『5words』

5、Don't overly limit your market.『5words』



6、But people aren't overly romantic.『5words』

7、The timetable is overly optimistic.『5words』

8、someone overly fond of making puns.『6words』

9、Obviously, this model is overly simplistic.『6words』

10、But you should avoid sounding overly boastful.『7words』



11、Don't be overly focused on gaining consensus.『7words』

12、an unethical or overly aggressive brokerage firm.『7words』

13、“I am not overly bleak yet,” she says.『8words』

14、One diplomat cautions against being overly cynical, however.『8words』

15、Be honest and accurate, but not overly modest.『8words』

16、There's little worse than an overly forward or pushy ending.『10words』

17、Employers may become overly cautious about taking on new staff.『10words』

18、I am suggesting that balance take the place of overly-simplified solutions.『11words』

19、In previous versions of.net interfaces were overly restrictive when it came to types.『13words』

20、The opposite extreme of uncontrolled semantic chaos is that it can be overly ambitious.『14words』



21、Most Gen Ys know they become overly enthusiastic about projects and then get discouraged easily.『15words』

22、The fear arising from it is understandable and people should not be overly criticised for it.『16words』

23、While it sounds simple, and even overly idealistic, community forms in these E-mail lists and support sites.『17words』

24、No errant, sculptural forms or overly stylish elements complicate this home, it simply is what it is.『17words』

25、Failing to recognize that, he notes, leads to "an overly simplified view of what the solutions might be."『18words』

26、“We're able to make jokes and aren't as overly sensitive as before," said Jonathan Raviv, a senior school student.『19words』

27、With overly complex or difficult tasks, teams can easily become daunted by the scale and scope of the challenge.『19words』

28、The Frye rule has been criticized for its overly conservative approach and its vulnerability to manipulation by those seeking to exclude novel scientific evidence.『24words』

29、We rejected the overly anthropomorphic servers and chose a metaphoric style for our first color icon: a literal server serving information on a silver platter.『25words』

30、When you take the photo, please do not wear head dress, and avoid heavy make - up and overly dark or overly light - coloured clothing.『26words』

