

1、He sobbed aloud,"Maria."『3words』

2、I answered aloud.『3words』

3、I cried out aloud.『4words』

4、“Albacore, "he said aloud.『4words』

5、“That's impossible," she thought aloud.『5words』



6、habituate oneself to reading aloud『5words』

7、But I cannot sing aloud.『5words』

8、She cried aloud in protest.『5words』

9、The hungry baby cried aloud.『5words』

10、I could have cried aloud now.『6words』



11、He read his sister's letter aloud.『6words』

12、“She's a brave girl," Feliks said aloud.『7words』

13、He did not express his thoughts aloud.『7words』

14、The text should be read aloud coherently.『7words』

15、Read aloud the written record of the inspection.『8words』

16、Read aloud the conclusion of the expert corroboration,『8words』

17、Suddenly she cried aloud, "Oh, now grandmother is dead!"『9words』

18、“You give me much good counsel," he said aloud.『9words』

19、Until pant aloud, she this just stopped a body form.『10words』

20、“ If you're not tired, fish," he said aloud, "you must be very strange."『14words』



21、Then you might whisper the word because people can become annoyed when you read aloud.『15words』

22、He then went down on his knees, looked up to the sky and said thanks aloud.『16words』

23、Sometimes it's easier to find problems with spelling, word usage, and grammar when we read aloud.『16words』

24、After editing the work on screen or in print, I like to read the text aloud.『16words』

25、“Telling me this isn't true, you cheat mine" then hands Wu wear face to wail aloud to weep aloud.『19words』

26、Then he said aloud, "My dear friend, your attack has, perhaps, fatigued you; had you not better repose awhile?『19words』

27、Reading aloud can also say the second analog to is also need to consciously with the tape pronunciation, intonation to read aloud.『22words』

28、The fan smell speech wail aloud to weep aloud, suddenly stir up inspiration, he exactly cried a half catty a tears square have the wish fulfilled.『26words』

29、In this task, you are to read aloud a short passage. You will have 45 seconds to go over the passage and 1 minute to read it aloud.『28words』

30、Now, it isn't that just reading things aloud helps, because people who read all of the items on the list aloud were no better at remembering the items than the people who read them all silently.『36words』

