

1、crew escape system『3words』

2、Air crew subsistence allowance『4words』

3、A crew of stagehands.『4words』

4、ribbed top crew socks『4words』

5、He works ina drilling crew.『5words』



6、mobile crew model [supported employment]『5words』

7、a relief driver, crew, etc『5words』

8、a skeleton crew, staff, etc『5words』

9、member of a barge's crew『5words』

10、They are well-drilled crew members『5words』



11、a standby generator; a standby crew.『6words』

12、The crew hauled at the heavy sail.『7words』

13、I think that my crew loves that.『7words』

14、Many crew members were up before reveille.『7words』

15、After that, crew members will begin lowering lifeboats.『8words』

16、Everyone aboard, including the crew, was killed instantly.『8words』

17、Imagine teleporting just like the crew on Star Trek.『9words』

18、Here, crew safety and kit preservation are the watchwords.『9words』

19、The next crew relief comes on duty at 9 o'clock.『10words』

20、Federal investigator left a skeleton crew to analyze the plane wreckage.『11words』



21、A film crew You can see film crew here that is filming high challenge stunt.『15words』

22、So I'll ask you again. Who recommended you to Tomas' crew, and who recommended your replacement?『16words』

23、Having no job certificate of crew membership; Obtaining the job certificate of crew membership through fraudulent means;『17words』

24、The sports program includes several national championship teams, including men's lacrosse, men's heavyweight crew and men's lightweight crew.『18words』

25、There are 25 crew members on the crew list declared to the immigration station. Three more than the actual number.『20words』

26、includes the training certificate of crew membership, the service book of crew members, the competence certificate of the crew membership, and other competence certificates.『24words』

27、Meanwhile, Payton discovers another crew member, Gallo, who reveals to him that he was part of the flight crew that received the message from Earth.『25words』

28、The return of the Clipper Race fleet brings with it a hero's welcome for each and every crew member taking part. The crew return as legends.『26words』

29、Note: If the flight crew inadvertently activates aileron trim while an autopilot is engaged, the repositioning of the aileron neutral point is not apparent to the crew.『27words』

30、Forcing the crew members to operate when they are tired; Failing to arrange the crew members to be on duty pursuant to the duty rules of crew members;『28words』

