

1、absolutely fatal trauma『3words』

2、non fatal deliberate selfharm『4words』

3、Something destructive or fatal.『4words』

4、But this can be fatal.『5words』

5、Moderation is a fatal thing.『5words』



6、But the layoff was fatal.『5words』

7、There is no fatal misfortune.『5words』

8、Of these cases, 36 were fatal.『6words』

9、The fatal limit always stopped travellers.『6words』

10、fatal disease; mortally ill; past all hope『7words』



11、He take a fatal dose of drug.『7words』

12、Our fatal fault, Annette said, is perfectionism.『7words』

13、Child maltreatment involves "accidental or fatal child abuse."『8words』

14、Of the 132 cases, 127 have been fatal.『8words』

15、Sometimes this can cause dangerous or even fatal reactions.『9words』

16、Benign tumour won't be a fatal injure to you.『9words』

17、These days, a one-night stand can have fatal consequences.『9words』

18、Of the 87 cases confirmed to date in Egypt, 27 have been fatal.『13words』

19、Of the 115 cases confirmed to date in Egypt, 38 have been fatal.『13words』

20、Of the 141 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 115 have been fatal.『13words』



21、Of the 115 cases confirmed to date in Viet Nam, 58 have been fatal.『14words』

22、Objective Probing into effective cure and tend for batch wounded person in a fatal traffic accident.『16words』

23、All fatal cases died of serious complications such as neurogenic pulmonary oedema due to EV-71 infection.『16words』

24、WD is a drug-treatable hereditary disease, which is rare. However without reasonable treatment, outcome is often fatal.『17words』

25、Attacking in every direction at once was fun, but he knew it was a fatal diminution of strength.『18words』

26、Bathing will cool you but remember that fatal accidents can happen very easily and in the most unexpected conditions.『19words』

27、Most people regard snake bites as a fatal misfortune, but not all bites are serious, and very few are fatal.『20words』

28、Serotinous cones would prove to be almost fatal for the population if forest fires ceased for any length of time.『20words』

29、Errors (both fatal and non-fatal), warning, and informational messages are logged, while the adapter's data and control flow information is traced in the tracing configuration.『25words』

30、CV risk factor prevalence and a CV risk prediction chart for Africa were used to estimate the 10-year risk of suffering a fatal or non-fatal CV event among individuals aged 40-64 years.『32words』

