

1、He like telling jokes.『4words』

2、His jokes were plenty.『4words』

3、bawdy jokes, stories, etc『4words』

4、Those were not jokes.『4words』

5、He made lots of jokes.『5words』



6、His jokes all fell flat.『5words』

7、Nobody likes your stale jokes.『5words』

8、I don't know any jokes.『5words』

9、a talk larded with jokes『5words』

10、His jokes are no laughing matter.『6words』



11、someone who plays practical jokes on others.『7words』

12、Play jokes or romp; play boisterously .『7words』

13、giggling at one of her silly jokes『7words』

14、“It's like a safari here," he jokes.『7words』

15、Ginger up a talk with a few jokes『8words』

16、He tried to hide his embarrassment by telling jokes.『9words』

17、They think you are making jokes of some sort.『9words』

18、“Is it true, or only one of your dubious jokes?"『10words』

19、His jokes were completely lost on most of the students.『10words』

20、The British teacher is very humorous and always tells us jokes.『11words』



21、He jokes about it. He says, 'People say I'm a tyrant.'『11words』

22、If you keep goading her with boring jokes, she may turn angry.『12words』

23、Find a sitcom you both enjoy or Google jokes to tell each other.『13words』

24、They say amusing things, tell jokes, engage in witty banter and generally lighten the mood.『15words』

25、Take a step, fail, look around at jokes, lose big, the whole world look at jokes, they look down on themselves.『21words』

26、 Everyone did not care about Fermi, still vast sea and sky, first chatted about some political jokes, and some yellow jokes.『22words』

27、There's a classic line of Argentinian jokes highlighting national stereotypes – Chileans being boring, Paraguayans stupid, Peruvians crooks. Most jokes, however, are directed at people from Galicia『27words』

28、It's only because I'm making jokes and making parrots learn how to make jokes known to everyone. I deserve to lose my future and offend the great beauty.『28words』

29、Jokes are an important part of humor; humor of jokes is the lifeline of joke texts; and the humor of Wanrong jokes cannot live without its special logical mechanisms.『29words』

30、The jokes concerning legal issues which are embodied in The Edition of Jokes prevailing during the period of Ming and Qing Dynasties reflect the legal consciousness in the folk society to some degree.『33words』


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