

1、Certain thoughts are prayers.『4words』

2、My prayers were answered!『4words』

3、Your prayers are important.『4words』

4、He never missed prayers.『4words』

5、He quietly intoned several prayers.『5words』



6、remember me in your prayers.『5words』

7、What prayers do you say?『5words』

8、that your prayers be not hindered.『6words』

9、A good man's prayers are golden recompense!『7words』

10、Attendance at evening prayers is not compulsory.『7words』



11、To mumble prayers in a mechanical manner.『7words』

12、“You’re in my prayers, too, ” says Rimney.『8words』

13、A pledge to eat vegetarian food and say prayers『9words』

14、How many more prayers might have been fervently offered?『9words』

15、Their prayers focus on their own needs, blessings, and happiness.『10words』

16、The rest can be corrected by prayers, ceremonies and blessings.『10words』

17、We offered up our prayers for the men's safe return.『10words』

18、Behind them, in rows 20 deep, a far bigger crowd chants prayers.『12words』

19、This is done by offering prayers, gifting your near and dear ones.『12words』

20、Forget my tears, forget my prayers, and all that I have done!『12words』



21、I know there are prayers on his behalf winging from coast to coast.『13words』

22、The dietary advice, blessed water and special prayers of the other clerics is also sought.『15words』

23、Featuring over 260 engaging and interactive prayers formatted with a daily topic, verse, devotional, and journal tip.『17words』

24、On Friday snipers hidden on rooftops opened fire on the crowds gathered for prayers outside Sana 'a University.『18words』

25、If God does not hear your prayers any more, He will forget you also and let you go.『18words』

26、Your petitions and demands are taken note of, as are your prayers which together are helping mould your future.『19words』

27、Sometimes literally: Rocky Twyman, a community organiser from Maryland, leads group prayers at petrol stations to beg for divine intervention.『20words』

28、The flags are printed with prayers to purify the air and pacify the gods, and the wind blows the prayers to heaven.『22words』

29、Baptism on Skype? Hope God has an iPod! What next, marriage by text? Divorce by Morse Code? Evening prayers by semaphore? :-)『22words』

30、In New Testament times, the Pharisees were pros at pretentious prayers. It became quite a source of pride. They were showing off, trying to impress people with their prayers.『29words』


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