

1、electronic conveyorized weigh scales『4words』

2、Slip anchor weigh anchor『4words』

3、lever floor weigh bridge『4words』

4、weigh heavy [ light ]『5words』

5、You need't weigh your handbag.『5words』



6、to weigh gains and losses『5words』

7、I must weigh it first.『5words』

8、How much does it weigh『5words』

9、weigh one plan against another『5words』

10、We should weigh up the situation.『6words』



11、Does Suffering weigh down your might?『6words』

12、Will you weigh it in the balance?『7words』

13、Adaptive WIM strategy for weigh station control『7words』

14、The smart bin can weigh the food.『7words』

15、Your luggage can weigh up to 30 kilos.『8words』

16、Your luggage can weigh up to 35 kilos.『8words』

17、Dump things that weigh you down emotionally and spiritually.『9words』

18、The hair is silky, natural, and healthy, no weigh down.『10words』

19、He can weigh up anyone in the first few minutes.『10words』

20、A thimbleful of a neutron star would weigh over 100 million tons.『12words』



21、One teaspoonful of material from a neutron star would weigh a billion tonnes.『13words』

22、These gondolas always weigh the same, whether or not they are carrying boats.『13words』

23、The radioactive carbon atoms weigh 14 atomic units, whereas run-of-the-mill ones weigh 12 units.『14words』

24、Don't want to weigh down again. I must work hard. The dignity of my...『14words』

25、As the states weigh the merits of Mr Howard's scheme, the river is degenerating further.『15words』

26、If you want to weigh a man's patience with you, weigh your weight in his mind.『16words』

27、As a matter of fact, a body which would weigh 1,000g.at sea level would weigh about 998g. at the top of a mountain 4 miles high.『26words』

28、Dry a filter paper in an oven. Weigh it and then use it to filter 500 ml water sample. Dry the filter paper and weigh again.『26words』

29、The road is taken by oneself, the dream is written by oneself, and the scenery is painted by oneself. Don't weigh the nobility of life by worrying, and don't weigh the nobility of life by ignorance.『36words』

30、If made of loose earth, it will weigh little; if stones are taken with it, it will weigh more; while, if metals were put in, it would, according to the kind of metal you take, weigh still more.『38words』

