

1、Many citizens support protectionism.『4words』

2、senior citizens revitalization programme『4words』

3、Awareness of citizens' obligations『4words』

4、It's our right as citizens.『5words』

5、Preventing pauperization of urban citizens.『5words』



6、to serve the senior citizens『5words』

7、We, the citizens of Jehovah.『5words』

8、Not popular with administrations and citizens.『6words』

9、A totalitarian state regiments its citizens.『6words』

10、Senior citizens" means people over sixty.『6words』



11、to protect citizens' privately owned property;『6words』

12、We, we are answerable to our citizens.『7words』

13、Their citizens all vote on a weekend day.『8words』

14、But Shanghai's citizens will not mourn his fall.『8words』

15、Verdicts should be settled by panel of fellow citizens.『9words』

16、Fourthly, the bottom line of citizens' legitimate rights and interests.『10words』

17、About 5,000 US citizens reportedly resided there as of 2001.『10words』

18、And prison inmates may live even better than many poor citizens.『11words』

19、I ask you to be citizenscitizens, not spectators; citizens, not subjects;『12words』

20、Privacy right and informed consent right were two basic rights for citizens.『12words』



21、A few days ago, chengdu citizens from ms shao hotline, fretfully told reporters.『13words』

22、There will also be a naturalization ceremony welcoming 125 people as U. s. citizens.『14words』

23、If the Quality of the citizens are being equal, opportunity and trainings are being equal.『15words』

24、They make better citizens — and better citizens are vital to making our nation healthy and strong.『17words』

25、'' Citizens of all ethnic groups in China enjoy all equal rights accorded to citizens by the Constitution and law.『20words』

26、Six Armenian citizens and two Georgian citizens were on the flight, and the rest were likely to be Iranians, Pogosian said.『21words』

27、Los Angeles citizens are reluctant to bear the burden of the Montreal Olympics, which has made the city's citizens a debtor for many years.『24words』

28、In Hangzhou, urban and rural people's average habitat area has increased to 11.2 square meters for urban citizens and 49 square meters for rural citizens.『25words』

29、There are more and more places for citizens to relax, along with these simultaneous advances are the income level, spiritual outlook and vision of citizens.『25words』

30、Article 102 citizens and legal persons shall enjoy the right of honour. It shall be prohibited to unlawfully divest citizens and legal persons of their honorary titles.『27words』

