

1、nefarious deeds, activities, etc『4words』

2、Those are dirty deeds.『4words』

3、Do more kind deeds.『4words』

4、a worthy record of deeds『5words』

5、Your deeds make the difference!『5words』



6、61 Few words, many deeds.『5words』

7、To Brag of one's deeds『5words』

8、kind deeds are the fruits.『5words』

9、Emblazoning a heroine's deeds in song.『6words』

10、Discrepancy Between his words and deeds『6words』



11、deeds that redound to one's discredit.『6words』

12、To make known one's good deeds『6words』

13、These words and deeds are vitally important.『7words』

14、His big words were never backed by deeds.『8words』

15、Good deeds should be rewarded and evil deeds punished.『9words』

16、Vlad the Impaler is infamous for his cruel deeds.『9words』

17、The child's idiotic deeds caused his family much trouble.『9words』

18、We dropped a few silent tears for his moving deeds.『10words』

19、The deeds of heroes add luster to a nation's history.『10words』

20、He will be punished for his bad deeds and bad deeds.『11words』



21、Bee so doggedly doing good deeds, made a lot of good deeds.『12words』

22、The school held a general meeting to commend the deeds of his heroic deeds.『14words』

23、A gentleman helps others fulfill good deeds and never helps them in bad deeds『14words』

24、Good deeds and bad deeds are the psychological factors of health and ill health.『14words』

25、The deeds of the warriors who rescued people just now were the heroic deeds of the heroes.『17words』

26、Don't do good deeds, don't understand, don't say good deeds, don't see through, don't sum up others'good deeds.『18words』

27、Now, they were called songs of deeds because strangely enough, they were written to describe the heroic deeds or actions of warriors, the knights during conflicts.『26words』

28、The Buddha explained very clearly that the good and bad deeds we perform have their resultant effects good deeds yield good fruits while evil deeds yield bad fruits.『28words』

29、The epitaph is not as good as good deeds. The world will not honor you for your good deeds because it knows your medals. Good deeds do not need the whitewash of words.『33words』

30、I have been tasting the fruits of it. Though I done some good deeds, it's like a cup full of holes (evil deeds) and I am trying to fill the cup with water (good deeds).『35words』

