

1、He smelt danger.『3words』

2、The room smelt damp.『4words』

3、Something is smelt burning .『5words』

4、The answer was: smelt aluminum.『5words』

5、I smelt a terrible odor.『5words』



6、His breath smelt of garlic.『5words』

7、He smelt the reek of whisky.『6words』

8、The room smelt strongly of polish.『6words』

9、The bear smelt him and went away.『7words』

10、I smelt the fragrance of rice ears.『7words』



11、But you smelt powder - didn't you, cap'n?'『8words』

12、On entering the house, I smelt something burnt.『8words』

13、Tin is a comparatively easy metal to smelt.『8words』

14、The other half smelt a more neutral-smelling T-shirt.『8words』

15、The dog's nose twitched as it smelt the meat.『9words』

16、It smelt really good and I felt very relaxed afterwards.『10words』

17、When the children entered the room, they smelt a terrible smell.『11words』

18、The texture is crunchy, but smelt a little of cab food.『11words』

19、I've smelt a strange odor for three days. Don't you smell anything?『12words』

20、if ever a man smelt fever and dysentery, it was in that abominable anchorage.『14words』



21、At six o'clock she cane home, let herself in and at once smelt cigarette smoke.『15words』

22、It smelt so sweet that all cares and sorrows were forgotten by him who inhaled its fragrance.『17words』

23、...but was forced to retreat without the documents when a guard smelt his aftershave and became suspicious.『17words』

24、In the pure and thick scent of cocoa, have you smelt your memorable childhood and your grow-up stories?『18words』

25、an enclosed chamber in which heat is produced to heat buildings, destroy refuse, smelt or refine ores, etc..『18words』

26、Of all the smells I have ever smelt, I never smelt a smell that smelt like that smell smelt.『19words』

27、Carton, who smelt of port wine, and did not appear to be quite sober, laughed then, and turned to Darnay:『20words』

28、They are widely applied in the industries of petrochmical engineering, smelt, pharmacy, chlorinate alkali, salt preparation, as well as electric chemical plant.『22words』

29、State authorities have ordered cutbacks in deliveries of water from the delta because of the threat to endangered species of salmon and smelt.『23words』

30、It was a blazing afternoon.The air in the little square chamber above the bells was hot and stagnant, and smelt overpoweringly of pigeon dung.『24words』

