1、I expected you sooner.『4words』
2、I'd sooner have died.『4words』
3、No sooner said than done.『5words』
4、You should've said so sooner.『5words』
5、The sooner begun, the sooner done.『6words』
6、Neville arrived sooner than we expected.『6words』
7、I'd sooner die than give up.我宁愿死也不放弃。这里的sooner相当于rather『6words』
8、We must all die sooner or later.『7words』
9、The sooner we operate now the safer.『7words』
10、I would sooner die than do it.『7words』
11、The sooner will his race be run,『7words』
12、With help we will finish all the sooner.『8words』
13、But being overweight can make them happen sooner.『8words』
14、This chance has come sooner than I expected.『8words』
15、No sooner, no sooner, than all acquaintance is simple.『9words』
16、Your cheat will sooner or later find you out.『9words』
17、The sooner it is over, the longer the absolution.『9words』
18、The sooner we set off, the sooner we will arrive.『10words』
19、This will also force the owner to notice any recurrences sooner.『11words』
20、The sooner the money runs out, the sooner people grab a job.『12words』
21、Dear Stan, I meant to write you sooner but I just been busy.『13words』
22、The sooner unsafe things are eliminated, the better. The sooner dishonest friends break up, the better.『16words』
23、As for colds, the sooner a person starts taking over-the-counter remedy, the sooner relief will come.『16words』
24、By the same token, the consequences of flawed strategies will be revealed sooner and more painfully.『16words』
25、The sooner you chill food, the sooner any harmful bacteria that may be in it will stop multiplying.『18words』
26、The sooner you start to identify with this piece of land, the sooner you can find meaning and happiness.『19words』
27、'the sooner a recovery and reinvestment package is in place, the sooner we can start turning the economy around,' Mr. Obama said.『22words』
28、The sooner you have the burger in hand, the sooner it can trigger the release of the cocktail of rewarding chemicals in your brain.『24words』
29、Sooner or later (probably sooner), you'll load the wrong version of a class from a place you aren't even thinking about and waste hours debugging.『25words』
30、Deliver sooner is another important principle - customer delight often results from getting a slimmer solution to the market sooner rather than waiting longer for the "full" product.『28words』