

1、The strategy was flawed.『4words』

2、But the picture is flawed.『5words』

3、The material is flawed throughout.『5words』

4、But the comparison is flawed.『5words』

5、Still, the process was flawed.『5words』



6、Perhaps the whole premise is flawed.『6words』

7、Your English essay is seriously flawed.『6words』

8、But the database is notoriously flawed.『6words』

9、Heart rate monitoring is a flawed science.『7words』

10、The performance of U.S. equipment was flawed.『7words』



11、C is quirky, flawed, and an enormous success.『8words』

12、The plan was fatally flawed from the start.『8words』

13、Despite its marvelous achivements, Greek mathematics was flawed.『8words』

14、China's existing land requisition system is severely flawed.『8words』

15、Many argue that it is a flawed concept.『8words』

16、Religion is flawed because man is flawed. 宗教之所以有缺陷是因为人有缺陷。『8words』

17、In "Rambunctious Garden" Emma Marris Outlines why the concept of wilderness is flawed.『13words』

18、“The reason," he said, "is because the system is deeply and fundamentally flawed."『13words』

19、By minimising human involvement, the idea was to minimise the risk of flawed results.『14words』

20、Some believed that it used the wrong computer architecture (32-bit), and was fundamentally flawed.『14words』



21、Although a deeply flawed and unquestionably hypocritical organization, the AU easily beats its sorry predecessor.『15words』

22、Its demise has been attributed to flawed market design, weak governance and price manipulation by market participants.『17words』

23、Logically, this is misleading: even if one naturalistic explanationis flawed, it does not mean that all are.『17words』

24、His awareness that he too is subject to such flawed thinking makes him a perpetually trustworthy guide.『17words』

25、Most of the recent mistakes can be traced back not just to flawed execution but to flawed thinking.『18words』

26、Meaning studies that are outdated, unrepresentative or flawed can be presented as having more importance than they actually possess.『19words』

27、Because the present ways to protect privacy are indirect, incomplete and flawed, we can often see the violation of privacy.『20words』

28、Yes, professor. My point is, your philosophical premise is flawed to start with, and so your conclusion must also be flawed.『21words』

29、By the end of the summer, he realized the mathematical approach he had been pursuing for almost three years was flawed.『21words』

30、In reality, most specifications are flawed — you do not know how flawed until you have implemented and tested according to the specification.『23words』

