

1、He said, "Rise, lad."『4words』

2、He's a nice lad.『4words』

3、He is just a lad.『5words』

4、Get on with thee, lad.『5words』

5、What doth the lad mean?『5words』



6、And she beside another lad.『5words』

7、Tha'rt a Yorkshire lad for sure.『6words』

8、Aye, that's true enough—th' bad lad『6words』

9、He's just fine, is that lad.『6words』

10、The lad did not seem appeased.『6words』



11、What will become of my poor lad『7words』

12、He's quite a lad/a bit of a lad.『8words』

13、There, poor lad, take them and most welcome.『8words』

14、Learn it, lad: tis hard only at first.『8words』

15、The lad seemed to him too special, self-contained.『8words』

16、Dickon's a lad I'd trust with a new-born child.『9words』

17、He looks like a smart lad. He'll settle down.『9words』

18、This is an uncommon lad; a good lad, I'm sure.『10words』

19、Antonio was a puny lad, and not strong enough to work.『11words』

20、When the lad peeped under the lid he could see nothing.『11words』



21、“I'll tell thee what, lad," Mrs. Sowerby said when she could speak.『12words』

22、Saving the life of a repentant lad-isn't that equivalent to prolonging his own son's life?『15words』

23、The fifth was a factory hand, a thin, sallow lad of eighteen, in a dressing-gown.『15words』

24、“Lad, lad—what’s names to th’ Joy Maker," and she gave his shoulders a quick soft pat again.『17words』

25、The wink with which the lad of Cyllene accompanied this asseveration threw Jupiter into uncontrollable roars of laughter『18words』

26、Lad That black lad was very sad because his dad had died in a bad accident in a factory.『19words』

27、As the afternoon wasted away, the lad, wearied with his troubles, sank gradually into a tranquil and healing slumber.『19words』

28、Now therefore, I pray thee, let thy servant abide instead of the lad a bondman to my Lord; and let the lad go up with his brethren.『27words』

29、He said to his lad, "Run, find now the arrows which I am about to shoot." As the lad was running, he shot an arrow past him.『27words』

30、This lad was Much, son of old Much the miller, who should have been helping his father at the mill, but had stolen away to drink ale with Scarlett instead, being a lazy lad by nature.『36words』

