


2、I'd feel cheated.『3words』

3、He cheated the hangman.『4words』

4、The girls also cheated『4words』

5、They cheated him at CARDS.『5words』



6、You shouldn't have cheated him.『5words』

7、She cheated him by flattery.『5words』

8、I must have been cheated again.『6words』

9、They cheated death in the stormy sea.『7words』

10、Everybody else in the congregation gets cheated.『7words』



11、Then honesty grew weary of being cheated.『7words』

12、Besides, some students get cheated on line.『7words』

13、Benjamin's foreign friend Todd must have been cheated.『8words』

14、Mr Tapie claimed he was cheated and sued.『8words』

15、He cheated on her for years, but she never sussed.『10words』

16、He rationalized his cheating by saying that everyone else cheated.『10words』

17、A person easily taken advantage of, cheated, blamed, or ridiculed.『10words』

18、I can't bear to be cheated, maybe I'll revenge, hey! Heh... heh!『12words』

19、He is one of the greatest ruffians who ever cheated the gallows『12words』

20、The jewellers were furious because they were cheated by a jewelry dealer from Europe.『14words』



21、He had not met an ignoble end; he was not cheated of a warrior's death.『15words』

22、China: We still remember... you cheated with underage girls in the 2008 Summer Olympics in gymnastics.『16words』

23、I really feel guilty, if they all know my current situation, I'm afraid they will feel cheated.『17words』

24、Such co-operation is likely to be stable only when each animal feel it is not being cheated.『17words』

25、If others don't use their gifts, you get cheated, but if you don't use your gifts, they get cheated.『19words』

26、Some disciples whom cheated around and broke commandants, they were birds of one feather and formed a small clique.『19words』

27、Before long, Cao cao realized that he was cheated by Zhou Yu's stratagem of sowing distrust in Cao's camp.『19words』

28、By the end of the seventh day, if you have not cheated on the above diet, you will have lost10-17 pounds.『21words』

29、By that logic, 100 cheating husbands will be executed on the 100th day, as the riddle states that every man in the village has cheated on his wife.『28words』

30、There are times when I would be wronged and cheated, that I may laugh at the expense of those who think I do not know I am being wronged and cheated.『31words』

