

1、My words offended her.『4words』

2、Alice looked rather offended.『4words』

3、cruelty offended his sensibility.『4words』

4、His crude manners offended her.『5words』

5、His official airs offended her.『5words』



6、The music offended our ears.『5words』

7、Some people are easily offended.『5words』

8、The Marionette is very much offended.『6words』

9、“You are the offended party, count."『6words』

10、I was offended by his discourteous reply.『7words』



11、She was offended by his brusque reply.『7words』

12、Mr Abraham is, he says, deeply offended.『7words』

13、John was offended by the doctor's flippant attitude.『8words』

14、She is terribly offended, angered and hurt by this.『9words』

15、She was offended by the vulgarity of their jokes.『9words』

16、The witch was mortally offended and cursed the young man.『10words』

17、My friends are starting to be offended by her demeanor .『11words』

18、“Of course," they chorused, a bit offended that Id even asked.『11words』

19、She was fanciful, had all sorts of unspoken preferences, and was easily offended.『13words』

20、Organization taboos are referred to the prohibitions that are not offended in the organizations.『14words』



21、Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is offended, and I burn not?『15words』

22、Gowing, I presume, is still offended with me for black enamelling his stick without asking him.『16words』

23、But a couple of times his not-too-smooth acting has offended his hosts and got him into trouble.『17words』

24、Shortly afterwards, there came a Taoist priest. When he saw the situation, he felt offended and said.『17words』

25、A: Well, would you be horribly offended if I invited you to a Christmas party at my house?『18words』

26、When we feel offended by someone, we can tell him to his face instead of complaining behind his back.『19words』

27、But at the time he was merely offended at a discourtesy, and compared it with similar lapses in the past.『20words』

28、 These people seem to have extraordinary momentum. They must be some big-time people. If they can't be offended, they'd better not be offended.『24words』

29、It seems that the university authorities were as confused as everyone else about whether they had been offended, or had offended by their intolerance.『24words』

30、Will you be offended if she doesn't offer to pay or will you be offended if she does do the slow-motion "let me get my wallet" move?『27words』

